Over the course of a week, Bob and I enjoyed many special moments in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario, Canada. One of the highlights was observing this young River Otter as it played and fished on one of many chilly, damp fall days.

We had tried several times to catch a sighting of this young Otter without success.

Finally, on our last morning in the Park, as we sat in the car having our own lunch all the while keeping an eye on the water, an Otter came out to play.

Nimbly running along the tangled brush at the edge of the stream, the Otter made its way towards the swiftly flowing water.

Despite the cold day, insulated as Otters are against the water’s chill, the Otter did not hesitate to slip beneath the surface once again.

In no time, the River Otter caught a fish and then proceeded to swim towards us where we stood on the bank.

The fish was dispatched in no time giving us a great view of the Otter’s teeth.

Ciao for now!
River Otter Enjoys A Spring Day
Wild Coyote We Sighted In The Claireville Conservation Area
Red Foxes Wintering In Snowy Algonquin Provincial Park
Black Bear Mom and cubs eat blueberries in Algonquin Park
Frame To Frame – Bob and Jean
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