A Lance-tipped Darner Dragonfly Along Algonquin Park’s Mizzy Lake Trail


A Lance-tipped Darner Dragonfly Along Algonquin Park’s Mizzy Lake Trail

lance-tipped darner dragonfly along mizzy lake trail - algonquin park - ontario pic 4

When hiking the Mizzy Lake Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park, we took a lunch break near the top of the loop a short distance beyond Wolf Howl Pond.  Two small ponds made an inviting place to have our picnic lunch, and there was so much activity around the water that we were fully entertained while we ate.  One Lance-tipped Darner Dragonfly (Aeshna constricta) repeatedly landed on a submerged log directly in front of our picnic spot. Read more

Twelve-spotted Skimmer Dragonfly At Rosetta McClain Gardens

twelve-spotted skimmer dragonfly, closeup on dry flower head, rosetta mcclain gardens, toronto

Late one fall morning, Bob and I decided to pack an impromptu picnic and head down to Rosetta McClain Gardens on the Scarborough Bluffs here in Toronto.  We anticipated wonderful views of Lake Ontario as we munched on our modest lunch, but we did not foresee the multitudes of dragonflies that had gathered at the gardens, ones such as this Twelve-spotted Skimmer Dragonfly. Read more

Green Darner Dragonflies At Rosetta McClain Gardens

Green Darner Dragonfly - closeup on rose bush  - Rosetta McClain Gardens - Toronto

Green Darner Dragonfly - closeup on pink flower - Rosetta McClain Gardens - Toronto

When Bob and I dropped into Rosetta McClain Gardens for a brief walkabout, the last thing we expected to see were hundreds of Green Darner Dragonflies darting in and around the expansive flower beds.  When one such dragonfly lit on a flower head, we had the opportunity for a very close look at its anatomy.   Green Darner Dragonflies can be positively identified by the black bulls-eye in front of their large brown eyes. Read more