A Mink & Me! at Oxtongue Lake, in Ontario.

As I stood quietly observing Bob’s first launch of his newly restored Laser Sailboat, I noticed a small animal swimming towards shore not far away. It turned out to be a Mink.
I figured Bob’s movements at the side of the boat would put him off.
Instead, the Mink swam right up to the beach, hauled itself out of the water and began running towards me. It seemed to be on a mission.
Was the Mink unaware of me standing tall on the dock?
The Mink stopped once to glance up at me then slipped under the dock. Only the morning before, we had found a little scat deposited there and a few empty clam shells.
After several minutes, the Mink bounded down the beach towards the neighbour’s property.
The Mink was wasting no time as it targeted the next likely location for an abundance of clams.
From under the neighbour’s wooden dock, the Mink kept peaking out at me.
Surveying its surroundings, the Mink took a good look down the beach before choosing to move even further along the shore.
Frame To Frame – Bob and Jean