From Greater Flamingos To An Italian Comacchio Picnic

jean at agrituismo forzello, po river delta, italy

Bob and I spent the morning strolling the fields and pastures of our hosts at Agriturismo Forzello before setting off on our search for the colony of Greater Flamingos.  There were a couple of potential locations within Parco Veneto del Delta del Po National Park. Read more

A Tour of New Zealand’s Only White Heron Sanctuary

a white heron, waitangiroto nature reserve, south island, new zealand

An opportunity to visit the only nesting site of White Herons in New Zealand could not be missed when traveling on the South Island near Whataroa.  A day in advance, we booked ourselves on a tour that would take us to the heart of the Waitangiroto Nature Reserve to observe these elegant birds. Read more

The Enchanted Landscape of the Po River Delta

fishing houses along a fishing basin, po river delta, italy

Ready to explore the Po River Delta, the biggest wetlands in Europe, Bob and I were off the sheets early on our first full day in the region.  The enchanted landscape covers an area of 140,000 hectares, so under a crystal clear sky, we set off in the direction of Parco Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po. Read more

Day Of Adventure In Grasslands National Park

badlands, grasslands national park east block, saskatchewan

Bob and I had never explored the Canadian Prairies before we planned our summer vacation to the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta.  Committed to discovering more of our own country’s unique landscape and culture, we booked a car in Regina, Saskatchewan, for use after flying west from Toronto.  Grasslands National Park East Block was our first destination. Read more

African Jacana At Sunset Dam In Kruger National Park


Bob and I were obliged to remain inside our car at Sunset Dam as is the case almost everywhere you go in Kruger National Park.  Allowance is made for parking along one section of the shore, and it was from there that we had fantastic views of this African Jacana. Read more

Our Encounter with Wild Kea, the World’s Only Alpine Parrot

a Kea parrot in fiordland national park, south island, new zealand

Fiordland National Park on the South Island of New Zealand abounds with picturesque landscapes.  While there, several stops to appreciate the scenery also rewarded us with a couple of special bird sightings.  One pullover afforded us the encounter we had hoped for.  Several Kea, also known as New Zealand Mountain Parrots, flew in to greet us. Read more

Our Up-close Encounters in the Birder’s Paradise at Long Point

scarlet tanager, the old cut, long point, ontario

The first trip that Bob and I booked for the sole purpose of birding was to the Birder’s Paradise at Long Point on Lake Erie in Ontario.  Through different facebook groups, we had seen ample evidence of bird sightings at Long Point, and we were eager to check out the area for ourselves. Read more

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