American Woodcock At The Carden Alvar

american woodcock, carden alvar, city of kawartha lakes

Our anticipation ran high the night before our first visit to the Carden Alvar that is located northeast of Toronto, Ontario.  We had our alarm set for 5:45 a.m. but I woke up at 5 a.m. and couldn’t get back to sleep.  We were on site by 8:30 a.m. and spent hours touring the area.  It was around mid-afternoon that we came across an American Woodcock, and the sighting pretty much made our day! Read more

Our Walk On The Giant’s Causeway In Northern Ireland

An image of Bob standing on the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland. Photography by Frame To Frame - Bob and Jean.

Bob and I arrived in Northern Ireland a day earlier under rainy skies that persisted into the following morning and dampened our hopes for a clear day to visit the   Giant’s Causeway.     In light of the inclement weather, we chose to tour the Bushmill’s Distillery en route as a means of killing a couple of hours, and lo and behold, by the time we drove a little further east to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the rain had stopped. Read more

An Eastern Coyote hunting prey in a farm field in Ontario

An Eastern Coyote hunting prey in a farm field in Ontario

eastern coyote near saintfield, ontario pic 2

On a drive north of Whitby, Ontario, Bob happened to glance into a farm field adjacent to the highway where he spotted a Coyote (Canis latrans) sauntering along.  It is quite common to see Coyotes in and around rural farm properties in Ontario, as well as right in the heart of cities like Toronto, where they share our green spaces and waterways. Read more

California Sea Lions At Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island

An image of California Sea Lions rest in the sun on a float platform in Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island. Photography by Frame To Frame - Bob and Jean.

An image of a group of California Sea Lions on floats at Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Photography by Frame To Frame - Bob and Jean

After arriving in Bowser the previous evening, Bob and I were eager to greet the first day of our stay on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We were thrilled that Bob’s sister Claire, and husband Martin planned to take us snowshoeing on Mount Washington, which required a drive along the coast through Fanny Bay.  That is where Martin urged us to pull over so we could see the huge colony of California Sea Lions that had congregated there. Read more

Opossums Foraging In Our Toronto Backyard

opossum toronto 1

Bob and I always keep a keen eye on the goings and comings in our backyard.  There is constant activity centered around the bird feeders.  If it isn’t squirrels that have outsmarted our most recent positioning of the feeding stations, it is the delightful array of birds sparring for feeding rights that entertain us.  What a shock when one day Bob was walking to the garden house and spotted a new little critter under the arbour seat.  A Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) sat huddled in the shadows hoping to avoid detection. Read more

Elk On The Move In The Grand Canyon Village

elk crosses roadway, grand canyon

When Bob and I first arrived at Grand Canyon National Park, it was getting late in the day, dusk in fact, so we were eager to find our accommodations at Maswik Lodge and to have dinner.  The Park is very large, and finding our way on the road system through Grand Canyon Village was taking some time.  As we drove down one stretch of the pavement, adjacent to the railway track, Bob caught sight of a number of Elk making their way from one side of the roadway to the other. Read more

Mule Deer along the Grand Canyon South Rim Trail

mule deer, grand canyon national park

Bob and I had been at    Grand Canyon National Park    for a few days, and on top of exploring the phenomenal panoramic sights, we  had also been engrossed in the observation of a variety of bird species.  It was not until the morning of a guided Fossil Hike that we first came upon some Mule Deer.  People wanting to join the hike were to assemble on the canyon-side patio of Bright Angel Lodge, and there, just below the stone wall edging the pathway, a family of Mule Deer was having its breakfast. Read more

Bobolink Whistles A Tune At Forks of the Credit in Ontario

Bobolink - looks forward atop green tree - forks of the credit provincial park - ontario

Bobolink - sings out - kettle trail - forks of the credit provincial park - ontario

On an outing to Forks of the Credit Provincial Park, Bob and I were winding down our day after having spent several hours on the beautiful trails there.  As we strode across Kettle Trail to regain the Trans Canada Trail and then the parking lot, an unfamiliar sound met our ears.  We soon spotted the source in a treetop not far away.  A bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) in full song was in profile against an azure sky, making for a perfect snapshot. Read more

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