Cooper’s Hawk Takes On A Big Brown Bat

a cooper's hawk in a north Toronto park, ontario, canada

On what seemed a very ordinary winter day, Bob and I took a leisurely walk over to one of our local parks to escape the routine of familiar household chores.  Milliken Park in Toronto, Ontario, was almost deserted.  Though we scanned bushes and trees, not a single bird was seen until I noticed a solitary Cooper’s Hawk perched on a sunlit branch.  Seconds later, the hawk launched into the air and nabbed a Big Brown Bat that was flying by. Read more

150 Stories – An Ode to Life in Ontario as Canada Celebrates its Sesquicentennial

an image of the book of 150 Stories to commemorate Canada's sesquicentennail

An initiative by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, to commemorate Canada’s 150th birthday resulted in this marvelous compilation of 150 stories that examine what it means to be Canadian living in Ontario.  Each story is paired with a relevant photograph. Read more

Hundreds of Sandhill Cranes in Ontario.

sandhill cranes in flight over kawartha lakes in ontario, canada

On a bright, sunny Saturday in mid-October, Bob and I decided to make a trip to the Kawartha Lakes region of Ontario.  A fellow birder had reported groups of Sandhill Cranes in that vicinity where corn fields had recently been harvested.  At first, we were afraid the drive would be all for naught, but in the end, we located close to 200 of these elegant birds. Read more

Thousands of Greater Snow Geese Migrating In Ontario

greater snow geese near casselman, ontario, canada

On a cool November day with sunshine in the forecast, Bob and I decided on the spur of the moment to take a drive into Eastern Ontario to see the spectacle of Greater Snow Geese amassing near Casselman.  Reportedly, 60,000 Snow Geese had already formed one flock with more arriving hourly. Read more

Red Fox On A Cold Winter’s Day In Algonquin Park

Image of a red fox sitting on the snow during a snowstorm in Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada. Photography by Frame To Frame - Bob and Jean

On a cold winter’s day that included passing snow squalls, Bob and I ventured into    Algonquin Provincial Park   in hopes of seeing a Spruce Grouse.  Instead, we found ourselves in the company of a Red Fox.  Looking picture perfect, this Red Fox almost seemed to pose for our cameras while fine snowflakes settled on its fur. Read more

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