A Gray Jay in Algonquin Provincial Park

A Gray Jay in Algonquin Provincial Park

Northern Gray Jay - Algonquin Park - Ontario

Bob and I spent three days skiing and hiking on various trails in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario, trying to make the most of the last weeks of winter here in Ontario.  We love to go looking for birds and animals, but in this case, on the Opeongo Road, the Gray Jay came looking for us. Read more

Pileated Woodpeckers sighted near Oxtongue Lake

Female Pileated Woodpecker pecks at a tree

A closeup of the red head of a Pileated Woodpecker near Oxtongue Lake

One winter, Bob and I took advantage of the lovely ski trails at Oxtongue Lake to explore the woods along the west side of Patterson’s Bay.  It is there that we located two Pileated Woodpeckers, a male and a female, working industriously for their breakfast.  In this closeup, the bright red pointed crest is really conspicuous. Read more

Snowy Owl Sighting At Frenchman’s Bay in Ontario

Snowy Owl sits on icey Frenchman's Bay - Ontario - Canada

After one failed attempt, Bob and I made our way back to the shores of Frenchman’s Bay in Pickering, Ontario, to see if we could spot the Snowy Owl that has been making its stay there during the past winter.  We drove to a little park on the east shore of the bay, and started scanning with our binoculars. Read more

A Red-Bellied Woodpecker at Lynde Shores Conservation Area

A Red-Bellied Woodpecker at Lynde Shores Conservation Area

Red-bellied Woodpecker - takes a break after eats snow - Lynde Shores - Whitby - Ontario

With a gusty northwest wind blowing, Bob and I headed to Lynde Shores Conservation Area in Whitby, Ontario.  We wondered if the Red-bellied Woodpecker was still lingering in the woods there, and sure enough, I heard its repeated chiff-chiff and rolling churrr before actually spotting the Woodpecker on a nearby tree. Read more

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