Birds We Have Sighted

The following is a list of the birds we have sighted.  To view a post simply click on a link below.

Birding Adventures

A Bird’s Eye View At Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges

Among the birds in the Waitakere Hills near Auckland

Birding in Cerro de San Juan Ecological Reserve

Mountsberg Raptor Centre a world of hawks, owls, and eagles

Our Birding Excursion by Zodiac to the Tip of Long Point

Our Birding Trip In the Mangrove Swamp near San Blas

Blue-footed Booby Colony on Mexico’s Isla Isabel

Shorebirds At Lago de Cuitzeo In Michoacan


Razorbill Auks On Carrick-a-Rede In Northern Ireland


Cooper’s Hawk Takes On A Big Brown Bat


A New Zealand Bellbird Enjoys the Nectar on a Rainy Day


Eastern Bluebirds Near Cambridge In Ontario

Eastern Bluebirds at Carden Alvar in Ontario

Eastern Bluebirds With Fledglings At Oxtongue Lake

Mountain Bluebird We Sighted At Grand Canyon Heliport

Western Bluebird we sighted at Grand Canyon National Park


Juvenile Least Bittern At Colonel Samuel Smith Park


Bobolink Whistles A Tune At Forks of the Credit in Ontario


Blue-footed Booby Colony on Mexico’s Isla Isabel


Grey Catbird At Ashbridge’s Bay Park In Toronto


Boreal Chickadees in Algonquin Provincial Park

Black-Capped Chickadees Excavate A Nest In Thickson’s Woods

Mountain Chickadee at Grand Canyon National Park



Hooded Crows Among the Ancient Ruins of Rome



California Condors At Grand Canyon National Park


Double-crested Cormorants nesting at Tommy Thompson Park

Double crested Cormorant at Lynde Shores Conservation Area



Brown-headed Cowbird Juvenile Visited Our Toronto Backyard

Brown-headed Cowbirds In Thickson’s Woods




Sandhill Crane At Grass Lake In Ontario

Sandhill Cranes at Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Hundreds of Sandhill Cranes in Ontario.




American Wigeon Ducks Along The Shore At Comox

American Wigeon Ducks At Boundary Bay

Bufflehead Ducks at Rouge National Park

Greater Scaups at Tommy Thompson Park

Common Merganser Ducks At Reifel Bird Sanctuary

A Hooded Merganser in Hendrie Valley Sanctuary

Hooded Merganser Ducks At Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Long-tailed ducks at Toronto’s Tommy Thompson Park

Long-tailed Duck With A Tracking Device

Long-tailed Ducks At Bluffer’s Park

Eddie A Mandarin Duck on the Lam

Northern Shoveler Ducks At Reifel Bird Sanctuary in BC

Northern Pintail Ducks At Reifel Bird Sanctuary in British Columbia

Redhead Ducks At Tommy Thompson Park

Redhead Ducks In Toronto Harbour

Ring-necked Ducks at Boundary Bay, BC

Wood Duck And Ducklings At Rouge Park

Wood Ducks at Grindstone Marsh in Hamilton

Wood Ducks at High Park in Toronto

Wood ducks relocated from Mimico Creek oil spill




Juvenile Bald Eagle in Ajax, Ontario

Juvenile Bald Eagle At Boundary Bay in British Columbia

Bald Eagles Along The Shore Near Comox

Bald Eagles At Deep Bay On Vancouver Island




Lesser Goldfinch At Grand Canyon National Park




From Greater Flamingos To An Italian Comacchio Picnic




Northern Flicker Hunts For Grubs At Oxtongue Lake

Northern Flicker Flashes Some Yellow

Northern Flickers in Whitby’s Thickson’s Woods




Willow Flycatcher Sitting In Second Marsh

Vermilion Flycatchers at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano




Among the Magnificent Frigatebirds on Mexico’s Isla Isabel




Australasian Gannets at the Muriwai Gannet Colony



Lesser Snow Geese At Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Thousands of Greater Snow Geese migrating in fall through Ontario


Great-tailed Grackles stroll on the grass in Zitacuaro


Three Pied-billed Grebes Swimming at South Reesor Pond, Toronto

Red-necked Grebes at Colonel Samuel Smith Park


Evening Grosbeaks In Algonquin Park

Pine Grosbeaks At Oxtongue Lake in Ontario

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Male In Our Backyard

Rose-breasted Female Grosbeak In Our Backyard


Ruffed Grouse in Algonquin Provincial Park
Ring-billed Gull Colony at Tommy Thompson Park

Southern Black-backed Gulls at Muriwai, New Zealand
Juvenile Coopers Hawk stakes out my Toronto backyard

Coopers Hawk sighting in Goldhawk Park in Toronto

Coopers Hawk we spotted in Toronto

Coopers Hawk after a wet night in Comox

Cooper’s Hawk takes on a Big Brown Bat

Sopping Wet Sharp-shinned Hawk in Toronto

Sharp-shinned Hawk suffers through a Toronto snowstorm

Sharp-shinned Hawk sighted in Milliken Park in Toronto

Broad-winged Hawk sighted near Dorset, Ontario

Red-tailed Hawk holding a rat in Toronto

Red-tailed Hawk sighted holding a rat in Toronto

Red-tailed Hawk sighted in Markham, Ontario
Black-crowned Night Herons at Tommy Thompson Park

Yellow-Crowned Night Heron at Colonel Samuel Smith Park

Great Blue Herons On Their Nests At Oxtongue Lake

Great Blue Heron plays to the camera at Milliken Park

Great Blue Heron Chicks At Oxtongue Lake Rookery

Great Blue Heron along Algonquin Park’s Mizzy Lake Trail

Black-Crowned Night Herons At Toronto’s Tommy Thompson Park

Tri-colored Heron in the mangrove swamp at San Blas
An endangered Southern Ground Hornbill in Kruger National Park
Ruby-throated Hummingbird prepares to head south from Toronto

Ruby-throated Hummingbird in our Toronto garden

Leucistic Ruby-throated Hummingbird in Oakville

Berylline Hummingbird at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano
Glossy Ibis sighted in Whitby, Ontario

White Ibis at the shrimp ponds in San Blas
An African Jacana at Sunset Dam in Kruger National Park
Blue Jays dancing in Algonquin Park

Gray Jays wintering in Algonquin Provincial Park

A Gray Jay in Algonquin Provincial Park

Western Scrub Jay at Grand Canyon National Park
American Kestrel eats a mouse near Whitby
Belted Kingfisher at Colonel Samuel Smith Park

Green Kingfisher in the mangrove swamp at San Blas
Black-billed magpie in Kamloops, British Columbia
Eastern Meadowlark in the grasslands at the Carden Alvar
Northern Mockingbirds
Northern Mockingbird sighted near Thickson’s Woods
Clark’s Nutcracker at Lake Louise in Banff
Pygmy Nuthatches at Grand Canyon National Park
Orchard Orioles Nesting in Ajax, Ontario

Baltimore Orioles Sighted at Second Marsh In Oshawa

Baltimore Orioles at Rosetta McClain Gardens

Baltimore Orioles in my Toronto Backyard

Baltimore Oriole enjoys spring in Whitby’s Thickson’s Woods


An Osprey carries branch to its nest at Carden Alvar

Osprey return to their nest at Youngs Point

Osprey At Tommy Thompson Park In Toronto

Osprey enjoys flight above Carden Alvar, Ontario

Barred Owl in wintry Rouge National Urban Park

Barred Owl we sighted at West Cranberry Tract in Whitby

Barred Owl we sighted at Thickson’s Woods in Whitby

Barred Owl sighted along Duffin’s Creek near Markham

Eastern Screech Owlet in Rouge National Urban Park, Toronto

Eastern Screech Owl (Red Morph) in Burlington, Ontario

Eastern Screech Owl: A Master of Disguise In Burlington

Great Horned Owl Babies out of their Thickson’s Woods Nest

Great Horned Owl sitting in Thickson’s Woods

Great Horned Owl in Whitby’s Thickson’s Woods

Great Horned Owlets at Second Marsh, Oshawa, Ontario

Great Grey Owl we sighted near Ottawa in Ontario

Long-eared Owl at Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto

Northern Saw-whet Owl we sighted near Oshawa, Ontario

Northern Saw-Whet Owl we sighted in Toronto

Northern Saw-whet Owl Takes Us By Surprise In Ontario

On the Trail of Snowy Owls in Ontario

Snowy Owls on Amherst Island in Ontario, Canada

Snowy Owl at Colonel Samuel Smith Park in Etobicoke

Snowy Owl with kill on the ice at Frenchman’s Bay

Snowy Owl sighting at Frenchman’s Bay in Ontario
Rose-ringed Parakeets in Rome
African Penguins at Boulders Beach south of Cape Town
Brown Pelicans at San Blas, Nayarit in Mexico
Eastern Phoebes along Ontario’s Seaton Hiking Trail
Piping Plover Chicks at Darlington Provincial Park

Piping Plovers Nest at Darlington Provincial Park
Northern Potoo in the mangrove swamp at San Blas
Resplendent Quetzals prepare their nest in Monteverde Cloud Forest

Our Guided Hike In Search Of Resplendent Quetzals at Monteverde
Common Ravens we sighted at the Grand Canyon
An American Redstart at Ashbridge’s Bay Park in Toronto

Slate-throated Redstart at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano
Solitary sandpiper at Fernwood Farms in Stayner

Solitary Sandpiper at Lower Reesor Pond in Toronto
Black-necked Stilts in San Blas, Mexico

Roseate Spoonbills in the Shrimp Ponds at San Blas

The shorebirds at Lago de Cuitzeo in Michoacan, Mexico

A Solitary Sandpiper at Lower Reesor Pond in Toronto

Razorbill Auks on Carrick-a-Rede in Northern Ireland
A Wilson’s Snipe at Ontario’s Carden Alvar
White-throated Sparrows in our Toronto backyard

Lincolns Sparrow at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano
Cliff Swallows at Harris Water Treatment Plant in Toronto

Bank Swallows building nests in the Scarborough Bluffs

Fledgling Tree Swallow At Second Marsh In Oshawa

Tree Swallows near Grass Lake in Ontario
Tundra Swan at Unwin Avenue Bridge in Toronto

Trumpeter Swans On The Shores Of Lake Couchiching in Ontario

Trumpeter Swans Sighted In The Spring At La Salle Park

Trumpeter Swans During Winter At La Salle Park

Trumpeter Swans On A Delta Farm Field in BC

Trumpeter Swans with Cygnets at Milliken Park in Scarborough

Trumpeter Swan Cygnets Growing Up At Milliken Park

Trumpeter Swan Happenings At Scarborough’s Milliken Park

Trumpeter Swans Reunite At Milliken Park In Toronto
Western Tanager Along The North Rim Of The Grand Canyon

Hepatic Tanagers at El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Mexico

Scarlet Tanagers at Ashbridge’s Bay Park In Toronto
Common Terns at Toronto’s Tommy Thompson Park

White-fronted Terns at Muriwai in New Zealand
Spotted Towhee at Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

An Eastern Towhee at Beamer Memorial Conservation Park
Brown Thrasher Hunts for Bugs at Carden Alvar, Ontario

Brown Thrasher at Lynde Shores Conservation Area

Brown Thrasher at Carden Alvar
Hermit Thrush Hides In Our Toronto Lilac Bush

Hermit Thrush on the hunt at Rosetta McClain Gardens
Wild Turkeys on a snowy road in Ontario
Warbling Vireo Sings Out At Oshawa’s Second Marsh

Blackburnian Warbler in my Toronto garden

Black-and-white Warbler visits our Toronto backyard

Black-throated Blue Warbler in our Garden

Cape May Warbler visits our Toronto Backyard

Magnolia Warbler in our Toronto Backyard

Nashville Warbler Enjoys Blossoms In Our Backyard

Nashville Warbler at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano

Nashville Warbler visits our Toronto Backyard

Northern Parula Warbler in a Backyard Oasis

Pine Warbler in my Toronto backyard

Palm Warbler at Ashbridge’s Bay Park in Toronto

Yellow-rumped Warbler At Ontario’s Oxtongue Lake

Tennessee Warbler in my Toronto Backyard

Wilsons Warbler at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano
The Courtship Ritual of Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwings capture Insects at Milliken Park


Lesser Masked Weavers at Skukuza Rest Camp in Kruger National Park


Whimbrels at Toronto’s Lake Ontario Shoreline


An American Woodcock at the Carden Alvar

Two Pileated Woodpeckers in Algonquin Park

Red-Bellied Woodpecker at Lynde Shores Conservation Area

Pileated Woodpeckers sighted near Oxtongue Lake

Black-backed Woodpecker in Algonquin Provincial Park

Rock Wren at Grand Canyon National Park

A House Wren builds a nest in my Toronto backyard

Frame To Frame – Bob and Jean

feedback welcome