Great Horned Owlet Newly Hatched

great horned owl, markham, ontario

In early spring, 2021, Bob and I were contacted by a friend who had been tipped off to the location of a Great Horned Owl in our midst.  It turned out that there was a pair of these owls raising a newly-hatched chick near the urban area of Markham, Ontario. Read more

Northern Hawk Owl Winters In Southern Ontario

northern hawk owl, schomberg, ontario

Northern Hawk Owls are denizens of boreal forests and rarely leave their breeding grounds.  Some winters, however, for lack of food in their normal habitat, Northern Hawk Owls will venture into southern Canada and even the northern United States.  In 2019, nature enthusiasts like ourselves were thrilled to have a Northern Hawk Owl show up in the village of Schomberg in southern Ontario. Read more

Eastern Screech Owlet In Rouge National Urban Park

eastern screech owlet, rouge national urban park, toronto

Pandemic Birding had been a whole new experience for Bob and me.  Since the pandemic was officially declared in March 2020, we had made outdoor activities a priority but always kept within a 30-minute radius from our home.  On one such occasion in late May 2020, we happened upon this newly fledged Eastern Screech Owlet. Read more

Lake Chapala Birding En Route To Mexico City

lake chapala, mexico

On our last day in Mexico, Bob and I planned to do a little birdwatching along the shores of Lake Chapala before heading east to Mexico City for our evening flight.  As we packed our luggage, pastoral sounds emanating from the urban farmyard next door floated in on the cool breeze.  Shortly thereafter, we found ourselves in the colourful community of Chapala located on the north shore of Lake Chapala. Read more

A Tour of New Zealand’s Only White Heron Sanctuary

a white heron, waitangiroto nature reserve, south island, new zealand

An opportunity to visit the only nesting site of White Herons in New Zealand could not be missed when traveling on the South Island near Whataroa.  A day in advance, we booked ourselves on a tour that would take us to the heart of the Waitangiroto Nature Reserve to observe these elegant birds. Read more

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