African Jacana At Sunset Dam In Kruger National Park


Bob and I were obliged to remain inside our car at Sunset Dam as is the case almost everywhere you go in Kruger National Park.  Allowance is made for parking along one section of the shore, and it was from there that we had fantastic views of this African Jacana. Read more

Our Encounter with Wild Kea, the World’s Only Alpine Parrot

a Kea parrot in fiordland national park, south island, new zealand

Fiordland National Park on the South Island of New Zealand abounds with picturesque landscapes.  While there, several stops to appreciate the scenery also rewarded us with a couple of special bird sightings.  One pullover afforded us the encounter we had hoped for.  Several Kea, also known as New Zealand Mountain Parrots, flew in to greet us. Read more

Southern Ground Hornbill In Kruger National Park

An image of a Southern Ground Hornbill crossing a road in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Photography by Frame To Frame - Bob and Jean.

Waking at Skukuza Rest Camp the first morning after our arrival, and having just coped with a bout of stomach and intestinal distress, I was in no shape for any physical activity requiring stamina.  So Bob and I set out on a self-guided safari that spanned the course of several hours.  Among the wildlife seen within Kruger National Park that day was this astounding Southern Ground Hornbill. Read more

Our Up-close Encounters in the Birder’s Paradise at Long Point

scarlet tanager, the old cut, long point, ontario

The first trip that Bob and I booked for the sole purpose of birding was to the Birder’s Paradise at Long Point on Lake Erie in Ontario.  Through different facebook groups, we had seen ample evidence of bird sightings at Long Point, and we were eager to check out the area for ourselves. Read more

Guided Tour In Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge

rio frio, cano negro wildlife refuge, costa rica

Our plan, when staying in La Fortuna, was to make a couple of road trips to further our exploration of the area.  On our third day in Costa Rica, we were up at 5 a.m., wakened by bird song, but pouring rain had us holding off until 9 o’clock before setting off for Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge.  It is considered by many to be the third most important wetland in the world. Read more

Godwits Galore at the Pukorokoro Miranda Shorebird Centre

bar-tailed godwits, Pukorokoro Miranda Shorebird Centre, north island, new zealand

On the next leg of our trip, between Auckland and our next lodgings in Rotorua, Bob and I planned a stop at the Pukorokoro Miranda Shorebird Centre.  Its reputation as being home to thousands of shorebirds made it a must-see destination, and we were keen to add some new birds to our life list.  The area did not disappoint.  Thousands of Bar-tailed Godwits had returned to spend summer on New Zealand’s North Island. Read more

Magnificent Frigatebirds On Mexico’s Isla Isabel

the Sun rising above the horizon on the Pacific Ocean off San Blas, Mexico

Bob and I could hardly wait to land at Isla Isabel.  We were promised Blue-footed Boobies and Magnificent Frigatebirds with no fear of humans.  Referred to as “North America’s Galapagos”, Isla Isabel lies about 43 miles northwest of San Blas on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Read more

A Bird’s Eye View At Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges

dawn over mistico arenal hanging bridges park, la fortuna, costa rica

Bob and I wasted no time when in Costa Rica.  For the morning of our second day, we had booked a guided bird tour at Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges Park.  At 5:30 a.m., a bus picked us up at Hotel Kokoro, and as it navigated the steep, sinuous road to the pavilion, the sun was just beginning to wedge its way between the deep shadows of the mountains and the dark night sky. Read more

Among the Wildlife at Hotel Kokoro in Costa Rica

kokoro lodge sign, la fortuna, costa rica

Costa Rica was a destination on our bucket list for a good many years.  We were there to see birds!  Our flight landed in San Jose after sunset, so when we departed for    Hotel Kokoro    in La Fortuna the following morning, Bob and I were eager to see what species would constitute our first sighting of the trip.

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