Northern Whiptail Lizard At The Grand Canyon

northern whiptail lizard - grand canyon 6

After we left the oasis of Indian Garden, Bob and I wasted no time making headway towards Plateau Point at Grand Canyon National Park.  The heat was building, the wind was constant, and the sun was torturous.  Still, we forced ourselves to remain vigilant since other hikers had spotted rattlesnakes on the trail.  It was when we drew near the water refilling station about 3/4 of the way between the two points that we saw a Northern Whiptail Lizard taking advantage of the puddles of spilled water in the shade of the water reservoir. Read more

Our Early Morning Armed Safari at Kruger National Park

jean on safari at kruger national park, south africa 1

The night before our scheduled Armed Safari in Kruger National Park, I was so wound up with excitement that I could hardly sleep. Laying awake from 1:30 a.m. on, I didn’t need the alarm that was set to beep us awake at 3:30 a.m., and then we prepared for the 4:30 a.m. departure from Skukuza Rest Camp. The armed park rangers in charge of leading us safely around the savanna were Rouleni and Opa. In single file, we struck out on our morning armed safari in Kruger National Park. All the while, remembering just how to react if we spotted an animal. Read more

Eastern Gray Treefrogs Among the Milkweed

After a stretch of very hot weather, Bob and I were desperate to get out for a hike.  The Beare Hill Wetlands in Rouge National Urban Park, in northeast Toronto, Ontario, seemed a logical place to explore.   Among the various butterflies and insects sighted that day, we also managed to pick out some Eastern Gray Treefrogs.

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Exploring Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula

southeast brook falls, newfoundland

Before leaving the area around Rocky Harbour, and heading up the Great Northern Peninsula in Newfoundland, there were a couple of additional trails calling our names.  Near Lomond, Southeast Brook Falls required a short hike through a balsam fir and white birch forest. Read more

Wind-whipped on Green Gardens Trail, Gros Morne National Park

green gardens trail, gros morne national park, newfoundland

Bob and I had been told that the Green Gardens Trail was one of the most popular hikes in Gros Morne National Park largely because it highlights the contrasting landscapes of the Park.  Although we had already hiked the Gros Morne Mountain Trail and explored the Tablelands, we were keen to see the “green gardens” that stretch to the coast of Newfoundland near Bonne Bay. Read more

Our cold, wet hike to Fox Glacier in New Zealand

jean at fox glacier, south island, new zealand

When Bob and I stayed in the community of Fox Glacier on New Zealand’s South Island, it made perfect sense to hike into the actual glacier for a look.  On the appointed day, a slight break in the rain encouraged us to set off, but we ended up hiking in cold, wet weather for a view of the ancient blue ice. Read more

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