Our Kayak Trip Around Vargas Island – Day 1 Rassier Point

image of wharfs, tofino, vancouver island, british columbia

After storing all of our gear in the 4 kayaks, Bob, Claire, Martin and I maneuvered around a section of wooden wharf and then set out across Duffin’s Passage, Van Nevel Channel and Father Charles Channel, aiming for a nearby white-sand beach on Rassier Point on the east side of Vargas Island. Read more

Our Kayak Trip Around Vargas Island, British Columbia – The Preparation

image of jean kayaking, vargas island, british columbia

Bob’s and my epic adventure, a first-ever kayak trip, was going to be circumnavigating Vargas Island, British Columbia.  It had been planned months ahead when we announced our plans to visit Bob’s sister on Vancouver Island.  She and her husband, Martin, had kayaked around Vargas Island before and were eager to initiate us to the rigours of ocean kayaking. Read more

Our Message In A Bottle Tossed Back To Sea


Our Message In A Bottle Tossed Back To Sea

jean holds message in a bottle over side of BC ferry

I was filled with anticipation when Bob and I boarded the B.C. ferry returning to Horseshoe Bay from Vancouver Island because it was from the ferry that I planned to cast adrift our Message in a Bottle.  It had been over a year since we found the bottle that contained an inspiring message from its authors. Read more

A Cooper’s hawk after a wet night in Comox


A Cooper’s hawk after a wet night in Comox

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On our morning outing to Comox from Bowser, British Columbia, Bob and I stopped at the edge of the Salish Sea.  Nothing much was stirring in the Sound, so we walked into an adjacent brushy area and came upon a very wet Cooper’s Hawk. Read more

Taking A 1941 Chevy Business Coupe For A Spin

jean beside 1941 Chevrolet special deluxe Business Coupe - 1

After spending a couple of days visiting with Bob’s sister, Claire, and her husband, Martin, in Bowser, British Columbia, Martin suggested it was time to roll out his 1941 Chevy Business Coupe and take it for a spin.  I was thrilled as I have always had a love of vintage automobiles right from the time I was a little girl. Read more

American Wigeon Ducks Along The Shore At Comox

american wigeon ducks - comox - bc

The objective of our drive to Comox from Bowser, British Columbia, was to find and photograph Bald Eagles.  As we observed a pair of those magnificent birds of prey just offshore, we became aware of a considerable flock of American Wigeon Ducks scooting along the shore of the Salish Sea right in front of Bob and me. Read more

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