An Opossum Enjoys A Sunny Winter Day

possum sitting under a tree - toronto park

Finally getting a break in the frigid winter weather, Bob and I seized the opportunity for a walk in the brilliant March sunshine at Milliken Park, in Toronto, Ontario.  It seems we were not the only ones taking advantage of the warmer temperatures.  An Opossum was out strolling  atop the deep snow, on the search for something to eat. Read more

Hiking the Beaver Pond Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park

Beaver Pond from the trail lookout on the Beaver Pond Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park

Red Squirrel sits in snowy tree in Algonquin Park

I was so happy to have three days wide open for hiking and skiing in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario.  It meant more opportunities to explore the trails and look for wildlife and birds.  This cute little Red Squirrel captured our interest along the Beaver Pond Trail. Read more

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