River Otter In Algonquin Provincial Park

The World Through Our Lens
Wildlife traditionally refers to non-domesticated animal species, but has come to include all plants, fungi and other organisms which grow or live wild in an area.
As I stood quietly observing Bob’s first launch of his newly restored Laser Sailboat, I noticed a small animal swimming towards shore not far away. It turned out to be a Mink.
The night before our scheduled Armed Safari in Kruger National Park, I was so wound up with excitement that I could hardly sleep. Laying awake from 1:30 a.m. on, I didn’t need the alarm that was set to beep us awake at 3:30 a.m., and then we prepared for the 4:30 a.m. departure from Skukuza Rest Camp. The armed park rangers in charge of leading us safely around the savanna were Rouleni and Opa. In single file, we struck out on our morning armed safari in Kruger National Park. All the while, remembering just how to react if we spotted an animal. Read more
Bob and I had a long list of sights to see in New Zealand and first up was the gannet colony at Muriwai Regional Park just outside of Auckland. Over 2,000 Australasian Gannets make up the colony at Muriwai, which is one of only three mainland gannet colonies in New Zealand. Read more
After a stretch of very hot weather, Bob and I were desperate to get out for a hike. The Beare Hill Wetlands in Rouge National Urban Park, in northeast Toronto, Ontario, seemed a logical place to explore. Among the various butterflies and insects sighted that day, we also managed to pick out some Eastern Gray Treefrogs.
The Great Horned Owlet that Bob and I had been observing in Markham, Ontario, Canada, during the month of May 2021 was nearing 6 weeks of age. We weren’t certain if it would still be in the woodlot where it hatched but figured it was worth a look. Read more
The Great Horned Owlet that we had been observing was now almost 6 weeks old. Bob and I were keen to see if the family of owls was still occupying the same woodlot in Markham, Ontario. Read more
Bob and I refrained from visiting the Great Horned Owls in Markham, Ontario, Canada, for a few days. From another person in the know about the owls’ location, we learned that the Great Horned owlet was becoming increasingly difficult to find. Read more