Western Bluebird At Grand Canyon National Park

western bluebird, grand canyon national park, arizona, frame to frame bob and jean

After an hour-long guided hike known as a Fossil Walk at    Grand Canyon National Park,    Bob and I were returning to Maswik Lodge for lunch by way of the forested area adjacent to Village Loop Drive and the railway track.  A brilliant blue flash of colour had us both looking up into one of the pine trees where sat perched a male Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana).

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Green Darner Dragonflies At Rosetta McClain Gardens

Green Darner Dragonfly - closeup on rose bush  - Rosetta McClain Gardens - Toronto

Green Darner Dragonfly - closeup on pink flower - Rosetta McClain Gardens - Toronto

When Bob and I dropped into Rosetta McClain Gardens for a brief walkabout, the last thing we expected to see were hundreds of Green Darner Dragonflies darting in and around the expansive flower beds.  When one such dragonfly lit on a flower head, we had the opportunity for a very close look at its anatomy.   Green Darner Dragonflies can be positively identified by the black bulls-eye in front of their large brown eyes. Read more

Lesser Goldfinch At Grand Canyon National Park

lesser goldfinch, male, looks to camera near Bright Angel Lodge, Grand Canyon, Arizona

After yet another early morning wake-up call, Bob and I found ourselves fed and watered by 9 a.m., ready for exploration.  We enjoyed breakfast at El Tovar Hotel on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park, then meandered along the South Rim Trail and investigated Grand Canyon Village.  It was there that Bob and I came upon a Lesser Goldfinch nestled in amongst the feathery styles of an Apache Plume plant. Read more

A Solitary sandpiper at Fernwood Farms in Stayner

A Solitary sandpiper at Fernwood Farms in Stayner

Solitary Sandpiper on edge of pond - Fernwood Farms - stayner - ontario

Bob and I enjoy making annual trips to Fernwood Farms in Stayner, Ontario, for that is where we pick the biggest, juiciest blueberries that one can imagine.  There had been a deluge of rain the day before we visited the farm, and a Solitary Sandpiper (Tringo solitaria) was making use of an impromptu pond that had formed at the edge of the cornfield. Read more

Tomato Hornworm Moths At Grand Canyon National Park

Tomato Hornworm Moth in flight to Moonflower - Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona

After a full day of activity at    Grand Canyon National Park,    Bob and I were returning late to our room at Maswik Lodge when a flicker of movement drew my eye towards the stunning night-blooming Moonflowers.  We were not the only ones attracted by the glowing white flowers.  Numerous Tomato Hornworm Moths, also known as Five-spotted Hawkmoths,  were circling for a landing. Read more

Western Scrub Jay At Grand Canyon National Park

western scrub jay - in tree along bright angel trail, grand canyon

Bob and I had been catching glimpses of the Western Scrub Jay since our arrival at    Grand Canyon National Park,    but it wasn’t until we were on our early morning hike down the Bright Angel Trail that we finally caught sight of a Western Scrub Jay sitting in a tree…stationary enough for us to snap a few quick photos before we continued on our marathon hike. Read more

The Daylily Garden at Montreal Botanical Gardens

Daylily garden - Montreal Botanical Garden - Frame To Frame Bob & Jean

ruby red daylily, Montreal Botanical Garden

In the Summer of 2013, Bob and I drove to Montreal to take in the Mosaiculture 2013 competition underway at Montreal Botanical Gardens.  The Garden had so much more to offer, including 31 specialized gardens.  When we hit upon the Daylily Garden, I could not believe the number and varieties of daylilies covering endless flowerbeds…daylilies such as this ruby red beauty. Read more

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