Among The Penguins At Boulders Beach

The World Through Our Lens
Our decision to visit the Carden Alvar in Ontario, Canada this year did not disappoint when we sighted this Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on a fence post along Wylie Road. Read more
Bob and I spent the morning strolling the fields and pastures of our hosts at Agriturismo Forzello before setting off on our search for the colony of Greater Flamingos. There were a couple of potential locations within Parco Veneto del Delta del Po National Park. Read more
Day 2 in Costa Rica had us first completing a very early morning guided bird hike. After breakfast back at Hotel Kokoro, Bob and I headed to Ecocentro Danaus on the edge of La Fortuna. It is a private reserve with a butterfly conservatory where Bob and I hoped to see some of Costa Rica’s tiny winged jewels. Read more
Bob and I covered a lot of ground on our second day in Costa Rica. We began birding before sunrise and by early afternoon, we decided to check out Ecocentro Danaus on the outskirts of La Fortuna. The small private reserve was rich in wildlife. Read more