The Eglinton River Valley abloom with Russell Lupins in New Zealand

russell lupins, eglinton river valley, fiordland national park, new zealand

While staying for a few days in Te Anau on the South Island, Bob and I made frequent trips into Fiordland National Park.  Panoramic views of the landscape were spectacular and in places made even more beautiful by broad swaths of Russell Lupins that grow in abundance there. Read more

New Zealand Bellbird Enjoys the Nectar

a new zealand bellbird, lake matheson, south island, new zealand

It was a rainy afternoon when Bob and I finally made it to Lake Matheson to explore the walking tracks there.  The famous reflection of Mount Cook and Mount Tasman did not materialize on the lake’s surface, but we sure had dandy views of a New Zealand Bellbird alongside the trail. Read more

Hiking in the barren desert of Newfoundland’s Tablelands

winter house brook canyon, the tablelands, newfoundland, canada

Located in Gros Morne National Park, The Tablelands in Newfoundland are actually a section of the Appalachian Mountains that was once molded by glacial ice into a flat-topped plateau now called the Long Range Mountains.  It is a unique geological landscape often compared to that of the planet Mars. Read more

Our Walking Tour of Florence, The Birthplace of the Renaissance

florence, italy across river arno

Who wouldn’t want to visit Florence to look upon some of the most famous sculptures in the world:  Michelangelo’s sculpture David, Bartolomeo Ammannati’s Fountain of Neptune, and Donatello’s heraldic lions?  The artistic and architectural heritage of Florence goes far beyond those sculptures and led to this city, the capital of Italy’s Tuscany region, being called the birthplace of The Renaissance. Read more

The Wondrous Il Duomo di Firenze In Florence

il duomo di firenze, florence cathedral, florence, italy

The day that Bob and I headed out to explore Florence, we were anxious to discover everyone’s fascination with the highly renowned Florence Cathedral, in Italian known as the Il Duomo di Firenze. After arriving in the city, we did not go directly to Piazza del Duomo but instead heightened our anticipation by viewing many other sights in the city.

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Our hike to Baker’s Brook Falls in Newfoundland

Baker's Brook Falls in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

Baker’s Brook Falls is situated in Gros Morne National Park in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.  It is actually a series of three waterfalls that tumble over three successive limestone ridges underlying Baker’s Brook.  The middle set of cascades, seen here, are the most impressive. Read more

Stepping Back In Time at the Irish National Heritage Park

a Crannog on a man-made island at Irish National Heritage Park, Ireland

The Irish National Heritage Park near Ferrycarig, County Wexford, Ireland, is an open-air museum that explores the world of Ireland’s cultural history in a beautiful natural setting.  As Bob and I traveled across Ireland, we were constantly reminded of its more recent past in the ruins and castles that we saw, but for an understanding of history dating back to prehistoric times, we had come to this 35-acre Park. Read more

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