A Very Lucky Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar

image of an eastern or canadian tiger swallowtail larva, in ontario, canada

How do you like my new little buddy? It is the cutest little caterpillar, an Eastern or a Canadian Tiger Swallowtail larva likely in its third or 4th instar, soon to cocoon and morph into a beautiful butterfly.
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Eastern Gray Treefrogs Among the Milkweed

After a stretch of very hot weather, Bob and I were desperate to get out for a hike.  The Beare Hill Wetlands in Rouge National Urban Park, in northeast Toronto, Ontario, seemed a logical place to explore.   Among the various butterflies and insects sighted that day, we also managed to pick out some Eastern Gray Treefrogs.

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A Great Horned Owlet with Wanderlust

great horned owlet and adult in nest, markham, ontario

On May 12, Bob and I went to check on the Great Horned Owls’ nest previously observed in a Markham park in Ontario, Canada.  We found the 3-week old Great Horned owlet hunkered down out of sight.  After a few minutes, the owlet appeared over the lip of the nest and looked in our direction.  We were there and gone after 15 minutes. Read more

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