Gray Treefrogs At Lower Reesor Pond

Gray treefrog at Lower Reesor Pond in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

After a stretch of very rainy weather, Bob and I were desperate to get out in the field, and nothing pleases us more than to explore a new trail or go birdwatching in a habitat never before visited by ourselves.  Such was the case when we targeted Lower Reesor Pond, a wetland in northeast Toronto, in Ontario, in Rouge National Urban Park.  Our outing, as usual, was prolonged but immensely rewarding.  Amongst other birds and animals seen that day were several Eastern Gray Treefrogs. Read more

Black Bear Mom and Cubs Eat Blueberries In Algonquin Park

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This past summer, Bob and I once again found ourselves in Algonquin Provincial Park here in central Ontario.  We had various objectives during our two-day visit to the area, and one of them was to pick wild blueberries.  Having heard that the crop was more plentiful than usual, we were eager to put ourselves to the task of harvesting a few.  It was quite a surprise to find that an American Black Bear and two cubs were sharing the blueberry patch with us. Read more

Nashville Warbler Visits Our Toronto Backyard

nashville warbler at fountain - toronto

Nashville warbler sitting on a water fountain in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Of the various Warblers frequenting our backyard one spring, it was the Pine Warblers and this  Nashville Warbler (Oreothlypis ruficapilla) that made the longest stays.  We experienced long periods without rain that spring so the water fountain on our property was a real attraction for a lot of migrating birds. Read more

Wild Coneflowers growing at Lower Reesor Pond

Wild Coneflowers growing at Lower Reesor Pond

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Bob and I paid a visit one spring to the Lower Reesor Pond in north Toronto, Ontario, and had purposely allotted a large chunk of time in order that we might pay some well deserved attention to that special habitat.  Through reports provided by other visitors, we learned that some less common wildflowers and plants have gained foothold in the area surrounding the pond, and sure enough, we uncovered several groupings of Wild Coneflowers. Read more

Palm Warbler At Ashbridge’s Bay Park

palm warbler, ashbridge's bay park, toronto

What a delightful day we had birdwatching at Ashbridge’s Bay Park in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a park we had never visited before.  One Sunday this past spring, Bob and I ventured there because it seemed to offer some of the best prospects for seeing migrating birds.  Although more expert eyes probably picked out umpteen species, we managed to sight over a dozen ourselves including this little gem, a Palm Warbler.  In breeding plumage, its dull red cap is diagnostic. Read more

Trumpeter Swan Cygnets Growing Up At Milliken Park

Trumpeter Swan Cygnets Growing Up At Milliken Park

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It had been two weeks since Bob and I first spotted the two Trumpeter Swan cygnets at Milliken Pond, and they seemed to be thriving.  We dropped by the park one  day to check on their well-being and were thrilled to see them paddling along with nary a care in the world. Read more

Scarlet Tanagers at Ashbridge’s Bay Park In Toronto

Scarlet Tanager, ashbridges bay park, toronto

After hearing about the scores of different bird species being seen at Ashbridge’s Bay Park in Toronto, Ontario one spring, Bob and I made it our mission to be up and out early one Sunday in mid-May in order to check out the lakeside park where hundreds of birds rest after crossing Lake Ontario.  It was not until lunchtime, however, that we unexpectedly came upon two Scarlet Tanagers adjacent to the park’s restaurant parking lot. Read more

Green Metallic Bees In My Toronto Flower Garden

Green Metallic Bees In My Toronto Flower Garden

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One gloriously sunny morning this past summer, I was taking my time in the garden with teacup in hand.  That was soon replaced by my camera when I spotted some interesting insects on the False Sunflowers (Heliopsis helianthoides “Ballerina”).  One such bug that I had never noticed before was this Virescent Green Metallic Bee (Agapostemon virescens) of the Halictid Family. Read more

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