Tree swallows at Thickson’s Woods in Whitby

Tree swallows at Thickson’s Woods in Whitby

tree swallow - - - thicksons woods meadow - whitby - ontario

One spring, in the meadow that is part of Thickson’s Woods Land Trust in Whitby, Ontario, many species of birds were making their homes.  The proliferation of long grass, low shrubs, dense thickets, evergreen trees and the remains of an old orchard made it the perfect habitat for many different songbirds.  On our visit, Bob and I saw numerous Tree Swallows. Read more

Brown-headed Cowbirds In Thickson’s Woods

brown headed cow bird -gives me a look - thicksons woods meadow - whitby - ontario

On a visit to the unique woodlot known as Thickson’s Woods Nature Reserve in Whitby, Ontario, we changed things up a bit, and crossed over the adjacent walkway to the protected habitat of the meadow that borders the forest.  With its abundance of long grasses, bushes, shrubs, evergreens, and the remains of an old orchard, it was teeming with birds of all species.  One type of bird that caught my eye were a group of Brown-headed Cowbirds, at rest on a branch right beside the path. Read more

A Broad-winged Hawk near Dorset, Ontario

A Broad-winged Hawk near Dorset, Ontario

Broad-winged hawk on a powerline near Dorset in Ontario, Canada.

As Bob and I were driving along Highway 35 near Dorset, Ontario one spring, I caught a glimpse of an interesting bird sitting on the power line that runs parallel to the road.  At first, we thought we were seeing a Merlin, but the bird turned out to be a Broad-winged Hawk. Read more

Our Tour of Ireland’s Powerscourt House and Gardens

Powerscourt main building at front - Ireland

Powerscourt - view from triton lake - Ireland

After touring the ancient monastic retreat in Glendalough, Bob and I drove up towards Kilmacanogue to visit Powerscourt Estate, the home of Powerscourt House and Gardens  in County Wicklow, Ireland.  The Palladian mansion provides the perfect backdrop for the dramatic gardens and statuary that occupy the property. Read more

Spring Wildflowers at Beamer Memorial Conservation Area

Jean takes pictures of plants at Beamer Memorial Conservation Area,   Grimsby

Bloodroot Flower, Closeup, Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, Grimsby

A sure harbinger of spring is when the forest floor erupts into a brilliant carpet of Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis).  We came upon these fragile spring wildflowers which belong to the poppy family at the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, near Grimsby, Ontario. Read more

Early spring wildflowers at Cootes Paradise in Burlington

Early spring wildflowers at Cootes Paradise in Burlington

round-lobed Hepatica, Cootes Paradise, Burlington

April showers bring May flowers, and true to that adage, the forests in Cootes Paradise in Hamilton, Ontario, were already liberally sprinkled with clumps of Round-lobed Hepatica (Anemone Americana).  We had been enjoying very warm temperatures in Southern Ontario, and in combination with the odd April shower, it has given rise to these early spring wildflowers. Read more

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