Wild Coneflowers growing at Lower Reesor Pond


Wild Coneflowers growing at Lower Reesor Pond

coneflowers at lower reesor pond - toronto 7

Bob and I paid a visit one spring to the Lower Reesor Pond in north Toronto, Ontario, and had purposely allotted a large chunk of time in order that we might pay some well deserved attention to that special habitat.  Through reports provided by other visitors, we learned that some less common wildflowers and plants have gained foothold in the area surrounding the pond, and sure enough, we uncovered several groupings of Wild Coneflowers. Read more

Spring Wildflowers at Beamer Memorial Conservation Area

Jean takes pictures of plants at Beamer Memorial Conservation Area,   Grimsby

Bloodroot Flower, Closeup, Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, Grimsby

A sure harbinger of spring is when the forest floor erupts into a brilliant carpet of Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis).  We came upon these fragile spring wildflowers which belong to the poppy family at the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, near Grimsby, Ontario. Read more

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