A Great Blue Heron along Algonquin Park’s Mizzy Lake Trail
A Great Blue Heron along Algonquin Park’s Mizzy Lake Trail
Because Mizzy Lake Trail in Algonquin Park, in Ontario, visits so many small lakes and ponds, there are ample opportunities along its length to spot wildlife including a variety of waterfowl. One such bird to catch our eye was a Great Blue Heron that was skulking along the edge of a wetland adjacent to the old railway bed upon which a section of the trail is built.
Being our first time on the trail, and hiking the full 11 kilometres, we were pleased to discover that the trail traversed quite a range of terrains from steep, rocky, root-bound stretches to old dirt roads, and wooden boardwalks to re-purposed railway lines now covered in gravel. It made for a very interesting hike that really put my knees to the test.
As Bob and I strolled along a wide open stretch near West Rose Lake, our busy eyes were scanning the periphery of the water for larger game, in particular moose, when a slow and deliberate movement drew our attention to something in the near distance. That is when Bob noticed the sleek head of a Great Blue Heron poking up just beyond the tall grasses.
We weren’t making a lot of noise but I figure the Heron wanted a wee peek in our direction to make sure a predator was not sneaking up from behind. Then, it was back to concentrating on the water at its feet hoping that an unsuspecting frog or fish would emerge from under the lily pads.
Despite having seen Great Blue Herons in many locations, I always pay special attention to these impressive birds.
In between scrutinizing the murky depths for something to eat, the Great Blue Heron took a moment to preen its feathers. You can see that one is stuck to the end of its beak. Bob and I snapped a few photos then continued on our own way towards Wolf Howl Pond. The Great Blue Heron was left to itself there at the edge of the water.
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