Moose Cow And Calf Enjoy Spring In Algonquin Park

A Moose cow and her calf stand along the forest’s edge in Algonquin Park, in Ontario, in late April.
Moments earlier, Bob and I had been scanning the fringes of the forest for wildlife when I caught a glimpse of a cow and calf running through a grove of trees. Cautiously parked along the roadway, we waited for the pair to emerge from the protective cover. It was the calf that cleared the evergreen trees first and continued in our direction.
This yearling seemed to drink copious amounts of water in its thirst for dissolved salt from the winter maintenance of the road’s surface.
For a good while, the cow Moose held back under the cover of the trees, but finally she graced us with her presence and sauntered over to check on her calf.
We wondered if the Moose were trying to tell us something. Maybe the air just tasted good??
The Moose calf seemed to be learning bad manners from its mother.
Every time we visit Algonquin Park, we hope to see a Moose as well as any other wildlife. Seldom are we disappointed.
A baby moose with its mother in Algonquin Park
Elk In Snowy Meadow Near Lake Louise