Spring Wildflowers at Beamer Memorial Conservation Area

Jean takes pictures of plants at Beamer Memorial Conservation Area,   Grimsby

Bloodroot Flower, Closeup, Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, Grimsby

A sure harbinger of spring is when the forest floor erupts into a brilliant carpet of Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis).  We came upon these fragile spring wildflowers which belong to the poppy family at the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, near Grimsby, Ontario. Read more

Early spring wildflowers at Cootes Paradise in Burlington

Early spring wildflowers at Cootes Paradise in Burlington

round-lobed Hepatica, Cootes Paradise, Burlington

April showers bring May flowers, and true to that adage, the forests in Cootes Paradise in Hamilton, Ontario, were already liberally sprinkled with clumps of Round-lobed Hepatica (Anemone Americana).  We had been enjoying very warm temperatures in Southern Ontario, and in combination with the odd April shower, it has given rise to these early spring wildflowers. Read more

The Flood of Spring 2013 in Huntsville, Ontario

The Flood of Spring 2013 in Huntsville, Ontario

Huntsville flooding, flooded riverside park area, Ontario, April 21, 2013

In the spring of 2013, it was evident that spring was upon us along the shores in Huntsville, Ontario.  Not only had the heavy snows of winter 2013/14 all but melted away, but April showers were in full swing.  For several days in a row, heavy rains had added to the runoff creating dangerous levels of water and flooding in all bodies of water.  Huntsville was one of the worst hit areas when it came to the Flood of Spring 2013. Read more

Ragged Falls under major flooding on the Oxtongue

spring flood waters rushing over Ragged Falls, Oxtongue River, Ontario

Ragged Falls - spring flooding of falls - Oxtongue River - Ontario - April 20 2013

In the spring of 2013, Bob and I happened to be at Oxtongue Lake, Ontario.  It was far from a normal spring visit.  With the recent warm temperatures, the abundance of late spring snow had all but melted away.  This caused substantial and normal runoff conditions, but when combined with the heavy rainfalls, it resulted in volumes of water and Ragged Falls under major flooding on the Oxtongue River. Read more

Skunk Cabbage Blooming in Cootes Paradise

Skunk Cabbage Blooming in Cootes Paradise

Skunk Cabbage plant, spathe bract, cootes paradise, hamilton, ontario

I have lived in Ontario my whole life, and despite trekking through the bush as a child, and doing endless hikes as an adult, this past spring was  the first time that I have ever come across a Skunk Cabbage plant at Cootes Paradise, in Hamilton, Ontario…lots of them, in fact. Read more

Snowshoeing The Spruce Bog Trail In Algonquin Park

With snowshoes on Jean looks for beavers in Algonquin Park

Bob and I had never gone snowshoeing before, so when the chance to try out a pair presented itself, we seized it!  After skiing the Leaf Lake Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario, in the morning, we ventured over to the Spruce Bog Boardwalk Trail where we knew we could walk out on the bog and really give the snowshoes a workout. Read more

Hiking the Beaver Pond Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park

Beaver Pond from the trail lookout on the Beaver Pond Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park

Red Squirrel sits in snowy tree in Algonquin Park

I was so happy to have three days wide open for hiking and skiing in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario.  It meant more opportunities to explore the trails and look for wildlife and birds.  This cute little Red Squirrel captured our interest along the Beaver Pond Trail. Read more

A Gray Jay in Algonquin Provincial Park

A Gray Jay in Algonquin Provincial Park

Northern Gray Jay - Algonquin Park - Ontario

Bob and I spent three days skiing and hiking on various trails in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario, trying to make the most of the last weeks of winter here in Ontario.  We love to go looking for birds and animals, but in this case, on the Opeongo Road, the Gray Jay came looking for us. Read more

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