Molly Gallivan’s Cottage In Ireland’s Caha Mountains

jean at molly gallivans cottage, ireland 15

glandore, ireland

Having left Drombeg Stone Circle close to noon, Bob and I soon paused in the tidy seaside village of Glandore for lunch al fresco with a lovely view of the local harbour from our position at the edge of a cliff. Read more

Hiking Bright Angel Trail To Plateau Point At The Grand Canyon

view of plateau point from the top of the South Rim at the grand canyon

When Bob and I decided to hike Bright Angel Trail, we knew it would be a demanding challenge, and one that would take many hours.  From the South Rim, Plateau Point was a speck at the edge of the Tonto Platform; from midway down the fault line, the narrow meandering trail that leads from Indian Garden to Plateau Point was more discernible but no less intimidating. Read more

Hiking Bright Angel Trail To Indian Garden at the Grand Canyon

bright angel trail sign 2aa

The day preceding our hike on the Bright Angel Trail at    Grand Canyon National Park ,    saw Bob and me taking it easy and making the necessary preparations for our lengthy endeavour.  We purchased lots of salty snacks, lunch supplies, energy bars and fruit, knowing full well that the demands on our bodies would probably be the most extreme we had ever experienced.  With our alarm set for 4 a.m., and plans to hit the trail by 5 a.m., Bob and I intended to retire early, but in the end, we hit the hay about the same time as usual…10:30 p.m.  We were full of anticipation and trepidation.  Were we really up to the task? Read more

The Poison Garden At Blarney Castle In Ireland

An image of the deadly nightshade skull and crossbones sign in the Poison Garden at Blarney Castle in Ireland. Photograph by Frame To Frame - Bob and Jean.

The Poison Garden at Blarney Castle is one of the featured gardens on the grounds that span some 1,000 acres, but it is but a tiny plot sheltered behind the Blarney Castle battlements.  The Poison Garden contrasts sharply with the expansive green spaces and vibrant flowers found elsewhere on the estate property, but mystique pervades the small plot and has curious visitors anxious to investigate . Read more

Titanic’s Last Anchorage – Our Visit To Cobh Town

RMS Titanic leaving Belfast harbour in 1912

Bob and I awoke to a fine drizzle the next morning, so rather than pursue the harbour boat tour first off, we headed to   The Titanic Experience   where visitors are invited to retrace the footsteps of the Queenstown passengers who boarded the Titanic on its maiden voyage.  Cobh Town was known as Queenstown from 1850 until 1920. Read more

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