Canoeing Duffins Creek In Ontario

What a delightful way to spend a day! Canoeing up Duffins Creek from Rotary Park on the edge of Lake Ontario to farm country far above Highway 401 really was our cup of tea. Read more
The World Through Our Lens
Photography from our encounters with wild animals, from our travels around the world.
What a delightful way to spend a day! Canoeing up Duffins Creek from Rotary Park on the edge of Lake Ontario to farm country far above Highway 401 really was our cup of tea. Read more
After we left the oasis of Indian Garden, Bob and I wasted no time making headway towards Plateau Point at Grand Canyon National Park. The heat was building, the wind was constant, and the sun was torturous. Still, we forced ourselves to remain vigilant since other hikers had spotted rattlesnakes on the trail. It was when we drew near the water refilling station about 3/4 of the way between the two points that we saw a Northern Whiptail Lizard taking advantage of the puddles of spilled water in the shade of the water reservoir. Read more
Waking up at 5:45 a.m. was becoming a habit when staying in Costa Rica. The abundant bird calls tugged me from sleep easily as I was always excited for another day of exploration in La Fortuna. Our first view every morning was that of Arenal Volcano seen in the near distance. Read more
As I stood quietly observing Bob’s first launch of his newly restored Laser Sailboat, I noticed a small animal swimming towards shore not far away. It turned out to be a Mink.
The night before our scheduled Armed Safari in Kruger National Park, I was so wound up with excitement that I could hardly sleep. Laying awake from 1:30 a.m. on, I didn’t need the alarm that was set to beep us awake at 3:30 a.m., and then we prepared for the 4:30 a.m. departure from Skukuza Rest Camp. The armed park rangers in charge of leading us safely around the savanna were Rouleni and Opa. In single file, we struck out on our morning armed safari in Kruger National Park. All the while, remembering just how to react if we spotted an animal. Read more