Thousands of Greater Snow Geese Migrating In Ontario

greater snow geese near casselman, ontario, canada

On a cool November day with sunshine in the forecast, Bob and I decided on the spur of the moment to take a drive into Eastern Ontario to see the spectacle of Greater Snow Geese amassing near Casselman.  Reportedly, 60,000 Snow Geese had already formed one flock with more arriving hourly. Read more

Travelling down memory lane: Our Walking Tour of London

london bridge 100_4163

An image of Prince Albert Hall in London, England.

Arriving in London, England, after traveling all night had Bob, me and our son in need of a bit of down time before setting off to explore the city.  With lunch and a short nap under our belts, we felt rejuvenated and wanted to begin our walking tour of some of London’s many sights.   We began with a stroll through nearby Hyde Park to Kensington Gardens.  Read more

Southern Black-backed Gulls at Muriwai, New Zealand


Image of a Southern Black-backed gull at Muriwai, North Island, New Zealand. Photography by Frame To Frame - Bob and Jean

When Bob and I headed to Muriwai on New Zealand’s North Island, we had one intention and that was to photograph and observe the dense Australasian Gannet colony that occupies the headland there.  The location was also perfect for Southern Black-backed Gulls, so there was a good number of them as well.

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In the Footsteps of Vikings at L’Anse aux Meadows

An image of the Viking settlement re-created at l'anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada.

Recognized as the first location in North America visited and settled by Vikings from Greenland, l’Anse aux Meadows in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978.  New research released in 2021 proves that Vikings were living at l’Anse aux Meadows as far back as 1021, a thousand years ago. Read more

St. John’s, Newfoundland is a Feast for the Eyes

Colourful row of houses in St

an image of a ship docked in St. John's harbour, Newfoundland, Canada

Maritime weather might be foggy and rainy, more likely freezing with severe Nor’westers and dastardly blizzards in winter, but everyone agrees that St. John’s, Newfoundland is a feast for the eyes despite the climactic conditions.  Colourful facades light up any day no matter the time of year. Read more

A Rauparaha’s Copper Butterfly in New Zealand

Rauparaha's Copper butterfly near muriwai regional park, new zealand _3241

An image of a Rauparaha's Copper Butterfly near Muriwai, New Zealand

It was enjoyable making our way through the sand dunes at Muriwai on the North Island of New Zealand.  The observation deck looking over the Gannet colony was our destination, but delights awaited us along the way such as this pretty Rauparaha’s Copper Butterfly. Read more

Among the birds in the Waitakere Hills near Auckland

An image of Lone Kauri Lodge in New Zealand.

After picking up a rental car in Auckland, New Zealand, Bob set about driving us to our first accommodation in Karekare at the edge of the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park in the Waitakere Hills.  What a warm welcome we received at Lone Kauri Lodge and what a nice touch to see the Canadian flag flying proudly from their flagpole. Read more

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