Bowhead Whales we sighted off Kekerten Island

Another cold wet morning greeted me on Kekerten Island as I prepared for what I hoped would be a day of filming Bowhead Whales off Baffin Island in Nunavut. Read more
The World Through Our Lens
Another cold wet morning greeted me on Kekerten Island as I prepared for what I hoped would be a day of filming Bowhead Whales off Baffin Island in Nunavut. Read more
An early dawn found a grey sky with the waters of the Arctic Ocean sitting at low tide below our base camp on Kekerten Island, off Baffin Island. Read more
In the early morning hours under a cold wet sky, we prepared to leave Pangnirtung by boat in search of Bowhead Whales off Kekerten Island in Cumberland Sound off Baffin Island. Read more
My journey in search of Bowhead whales in the Canadian Arctic began in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. There, I boarded a First Air jetliner headed for Iqaluit on Baffin Island. Read more
Reveille at Sandoval Lake Lodge in the Tambopata National Reserve in Peru was very early with a pre-dawn wake-up call at 5:30 a.m. Bob and I were told that the early start to the day enables guests to get out on the lake, observe the sunrise, soak up the solitude of the early-morning hours and hopefully spot some wildlife, most notably the Giant Otters. Read more
In the harsh climate high in the mountain meadows of the National Reserve of Pampas Galeras in Peru live the rarely-seen Vicuna. In 1974, the Vicuna were declared an endangered species; at that time, only 6,000 of these animals were left alive in Peru. Today, with the aid of organizations like World Wildlife Fund, the population of Vicuna has recovered to about 350,000. Even with that supposed high number of these animals, it is still very difficult to actually catch a glimpse of one in the wilds of Peru. Read more