Traveling Down Memory Lane – Salisbury Cathedral in England

Salisbury Cathedral in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

It was with notions of mystery and intrigue, memories of historical facts and a sense of spiritual respect that Bob, our son and I headed to Salisbury Cathedral.  After recently reading Sarum and Pillars of the Earth, we could hardly wait to set eyes upon this magnificent cathedral whose spire has dominated the Wiltshire skyline in rural England since 1320.  We were in awe! Read more

Travelling down memory lane: Our Walking Tour of London

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An image of Prince Albert Hall in London, England.

Arriving in London, England, after traveling all night had Bob, me and our son in need of a bit of down time before setting off to explore the city.  With lunch and a short nap under our belts, we felt rejuvenated and wanted to begin our walking tour of some of London’s many sights.   We began with a stroll through nearby Hyde Park to Kensington Gardens.  Read more

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