Canoeing Black River in Prince Edward County

image of black river, prince edward county, ontario

After our energetic bike ride the day before, Bob and I looked for a place to launch our canoe the following morning.  When driving through the community of Black River, glimpses of the wide, calm waterway captured our interest. Read more

Cycling and Birding the Millennium Trail, Prince Edward County

image of bob and jean in hillier, millennium trail, prince edward county, ontario

After extensive hiking through the Dunes at Sandbanks Provincial Park a day earlier, Bob and I chose to give our feet a rest and go cycling.  A planned excursion on the Millennium Trail got off to a slow start because we had difficulty locating our preferred trailhead. Read more

Hordes of Ostriches On The Way To Cape Town

image of orange sunrise, mossel bay, south africa

Sunrise must have been a little before 5:30 a.m. because that is when I woke up to a bright sunbeam that found a chink in the room-darkening drapes.  I jumped out of bed and snapped a photo but already the brilliant orb was a short distance above the horizon. Read more

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