Nashville Warbler at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano

photograph of a Nashville Warbler along the hiking trail at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano, Zitácuaro, Mexico.

mexNashville Warbler sitting in a tree, Zitacuaro, Mexico

What a pleasure to find a Nashville Warbler lingering in the wooded valley next to our accommodations, Hotel Rancho San Cayetano in Zitacuaro, Mexico.  Our morning walk into the depths of the shady glen was completed more out of curiosity than anything else.  It served as a bit of exercise after a hearty breakfast and pleased our senses with the sights and sounds of tropical plants and surroundings.  The presence of dozens of songbirds was an unexpected bonus. Read more

Long-eared Owl at Tommy Thompson Park

photograph of a long-eared owl at Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto, Ontario.

long-eared owl, tommy thompson park, toronto 1

Owing to family demands this winter, Bob and I have had no opportunity to do birdwatching, much less skiing or hiking.  One past Sunday was our first day of liberty, and we seized the moment by going to one of our favorite spots for birdwatching…   Tommy Thompson Park    in Toronto.  We were not disappointed and came up with a lifer, a gorgeous Long-Eared Owl. Read more

Vermilion Flycatchers At Hotel Rancho San Cayetano

Vermilion Flycatcher, male, zitacuaro, michoacan, mexico 2

Bob and I arrived at Hotel Rancho San Cayetano in Zitacuaro, Mexico, late in the afternoon after having landed in Mexico City that morning, so it wasn’t until the next day that we set out for a walk to explore the extensive landscaped grounds surrounding the well-kept resort.  That is when we came upon a Vermilion Flycatcher that was frequenting a bench in one spacious area of open lawn. Read more

Roosters Cockfighting near Ocampo in Mexico

roosters cockfighting near angangueo - mexico 4

The second morning following our arrival in Mexico, Bob and I took full advantage of a perfect sunny day to go to Santuario de la Mariposa Monarca “El Rosario” to witness the phenomenon of wintering Monarchs by the millions.  Getting there was half the adventure, and unexpected sights such as a spur-of-the-moment cockfight at roadside certainly made the trip interesting. Read more

Visiting Cerro Pelon Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary on Horseback

photograph of riding on the best portion of the horse back trail to the monarch butterflies at Cerro Pelon Butterfly Sanctuary in Mexico.

Bob horseback riding to the Cerro Pelon Butterfly Sanctuary, Mexico

Even before we left Canada for Mexico, Bob and I had planned to visit all three of the monarch butterfly sanctuaries that are near Zitacuaro.  Pablo, the host at our hotel, Hotel Rancho San Cayetano, was very pleased that we included Cerro Pelon Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary in our plans.  Of the three that we would visit, Cerro Pelon is the least known and hence less visited, two pluses in our book, but perhaps it is for good reason.  To reach the roosting location of the butterflies, riding on horseback is almost a necessity.  It made for quite the adventure. Read more

Our Visit to the Pyramids of San Felipe de los Alzati

pyramids of san felipe de los alzati, zitacuaro, mexico

Two butterfly reserves down and one to go, so Bob and I decided to give it a break and check out the local pyramids.  We were becoming quite familiar with Highway 15 being the main road in and out of Zitacuaro, and again we were headed northwest, this time in the direction of Tuxpan, Mexico.  Our goal was the Pyramids of San Felipe de los Alzati just outside a small village of the same name.  Long before we uncovered the secret trail to the pyramids, we saw them looming on a distant hill. Read more

Hepatic Tanager At El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve

photograph of a female Hepatic Tanager at El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Preserve in eastern Michoacán state in central Mexico.

Hepatic Tanager -male- on rope fence at El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve, in Michoacán, Mexico

As Bob and I climbed the mountain at El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Mexico, we were on the alert for any new bird species living in that forest habitat.  It wasn’t until we returned to the visitor centre back at the trailhead that we were treated to a sighting of Hepatic Tanagers. Read more

In the Midst of Monarch Butterflies at Sierra Chincua Sanctuary

Monarch butterflies on a fir bough at Sierra Chincua Butterfly Sanctuary near Angangueo, Mexico

There are eight butterfly colonies that exist in protected areas of Mexico, five of which are located in the state of Michoacan, but only two of these are open to the public.  We wanted to check out both for the different experiences that they provide.  On Day 4 of our trip, we retraced the route towards Angangueo and then branched off towards the Sierra Chincua Butterfly Reserve.  Although smaller in scope, with fewer butterflies overall, we were actually able to get closer to those resting in the trees. Read more

Gray Jays wintering in Algonquin Provincial Park

Gray Jays wintering in Algonquin Provincial Park

gray jay in algonquin provincial park - ontario - pic 4

Who can resist the endearing face of a chubby Canada Jay or Gray Jay as they are more familiarly known?  In certain areas of Algonquin Provincial Park, one is almost guaranteed to sight these friendly birds that are always quick to come close as if in welcome to their territory, the boreal forest. Read more

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