Magical Frost On My Toronto Windowpane

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In 2014, the province of Ontario had one of the longest and coldest bouts of winter weather to be experienced in recent years, decades even, and along with the pristine beauty of fresh powdered snow that had fallen into every crack and crevice came the magical frost on my Toronto windowpane. Read more

Northern Pintail Ducks At Reifel Bird Sanctuary in British Columbia

Northern pintail duck at Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta, BC, Canada.

Even before Bob and I pulled into the parking lot at George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, there was no doubt that we were in for some fantastic birdwatching.  On the approach, paralleling the road, was a channel where Great Blue Herons and Common Mergansers were leisurely passing the afternoon.  Our walkabout began along East Dyke, but we soon branched off onto a trail that meandered alongside a series of very large ponds.  That is where we became enthralled with a flock of Northern Pintail Ducks. Read more

Trumpeter Swans On A Delta Farm Field in BC

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After a morning well spent at Boundary Bay Regional Park in the Delta region south of Vancouver, Bob and I made our way towards another popular birdwatching location still situated on the Fraser River estuary, the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary.  While progressing in that northwesterly direction, we had to pass through an extensive array of farm fields, and in one such field, Bob and I spotted a number of Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) scavenging for remnants of grain. Read more

Trumpeter Swans During Winter At La Salle Park

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Trumpeter swans landing in the winter on ice at La Salle Park, Burlington, Ontario

When Bob and I visited La Salle Park in Burlington last winter, we had quite a significantly different experience from the last time we found ourselves there in April 2013.  A good number of Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) were present just offshore from the snow-covered beach, but rather than dallying in the warm waters of Hamilton Harbour, they were trying to keep warm on the icy surface of the frozen bay. Read more

Juvenile Bald Eagle At Boundary Bay in British Columbia

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As Bob and I completed the trail that leads to Centennial Beach Cafe, we heard a raucous in a treetop right above our heads.  A sole juvenile Bald Eagle sat perched there at rest, whereas only one week earlier, according to regular visitors, about 200 Bald Eagles were seen in Boundary Bay Regional Park and environs. Read more

Ring-necked Ducks at Boundary Bay, BC

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On a trip to British Columbia, Bob and I scheduled a hike at Boundary Bay Regional Park in the Delta and Tsawwassen regions south of Vancouver.  Due to the effects of time change, on the first morning of the trip, Bob and I found ourselves awake bright and early, so hit the trails at the north end of the conservation area by 8 a.m.  We were pleased to spot, right off, a bevy of Ring-necked Ducks (Aythya collaris) tucked into a sheltered cove on the west side of Boundary Bay. Read more

American Wigeon Ducks At Boundary Bay

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Bob and I were keen to visit Boundary Bay Regional Park near Vancouver, British Columbia because, from my home in Ontario, I have monitored, for the past couple of years, bird sightings at that particular location.  Recognized as a major preserve for migratory birds there on the Pacific Flyway, our hopes were high for spotting some species of waterfowl uncommon in our own locale.  We were not disappointed when, adjacent to Centennial Beach, we spotted a raft of American Wigeon ducks. Read more

Visiting The Cliffs of Moher In Ireland

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Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland

A short distance from Ennistymon brought us to the famed   Cliffs of Moher   in County Clare, one of the most dramatic stretches of Ireland’s west coast.  When first we arrived, a light drizzle dampened our clothing, and a brisk wind swept in off the ocean lending a distinct chill to the air.  With our rain ponchos in place, we were ready for anything. Read more

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