A Tim Hortons coffee cup in Ennistymon, Ireland?

Tim Hortons coffee cup on metal post in Ennistymon, County Clare, Ireland

After taking our leave of Killarney, Bob and I wasted no time driving towards our next destination, the Cliffs of Moher.  A freeway made it possible to put the miles behind us quickly, and then we exited onto secondary roads near Ennis.  Next thing you know, we were driving down the quiet streets of the country market town known as Ennistymon in County Clare.  A short walking tour of the Main Street turned up a very unexpected reminder of our Canadian home, a Tim Hortons coffee cup. Read more

Bighorn Sheep On Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon

bighorn sheep grand canyon 7

Bighorn sheep along Bright Angel Trail at Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, U.S.A.

Bob and I were well on our way back up to the South Rim from Plateau Point at    Grand Canyon National Park    after a grueling 12-hours of hiking, so with our noses to the grindstone, we just focused on putting one foot in front of the other to make headway.  That is why neither one of us saw the Bighorn Sheep surveying its surroundings from a ledge above the trail, just below Mile-and-a Half Resthouse.   If not for other hikers mentioning sight of the animal, we would have completed our hike in total ignorance of its presence. Read more

Northern Sagebrush Lizard At The Grand Canyon

Northern Sagebrush Lizard north rim grand canyon 5

It was very late in the afternoon when Bob and I landed at Cape Royal, one of the lookout points on the North Rim of     Grand Canyon National Park  .     Despite our rush to see the spectacular views before sunset, we took time to observe this little Northern Sagebrush Lizard seen scampering amongst the rocks right at the lip of the Canyon. Read more

Ice Storm Toronto 2013


Ice Storm Toronto 2013

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When people talk about Ice Storm Toronto 2013, I’m sure there will be much chatter about the devastation and suffering in the city, but many of those same people will readily acknowledge the transient beauty of an ice-encrusted world.  In the hours subsequent to the brunt of the storm, Bob and I set out on foot to uncover some of that hidden splendour. Read more

Hiking Bright Angel Trail To Plateau Point At The Grand Canyon

view of plateau point from the top of the South Rim at the grand canyon

When Bob and I decided to hike Bright Angel Trail, we knew it would be a demanding challenge, and one that would take many hours.  From the South Rim, Plateau Point was a speck at the edge of the Tonto Platform; from midway down the fault line, the narrow meandering trail that leads from Indian Garden to Plateau Point was more discernible but no less intimidating. Read more

Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard at the Grand Canyon

yellow-backed spiny lizard at the grand canyon

As Bob and I neared Indian Garden along Bright Angel Trail at    Grand Canyon National Park,    we kept a keen eye for birds and animals along the way.  I was conscientiously watching for snakes and so tended to scrutinize the trail in front of me to avoid stepping on one, in particular any Grand Canyon Rattlesnakes that might be sunning themselves.  It was Bob who spied this Yellow-backed Spiny Lizard where it originally sat hunched on the small branch of a Catclaw Acacia.  Read more

Pygmy Nuthatches At Grand Canyon National Park

Pygmy Nuthatch in a pine tree at Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, USA

After completing a guided Fossil Walk along the South Rim Trail at    Grand Canyon National Park  ,    Bob and I hiked further along the rim to Maricopa Point before turning and heading back towards Maswik Lodge.  Our detour proved worthwhile when we discovered a small flock of Pygmy Nuthatches inhabiting one of the many trees. Read more

Hiking Bright Angel Trail To Indian Garden at the Grand Canyon

bright angel trail sign 2aa

The day preceding our hike on the Bright Angel Trail at    Grand Canyon National Park ,    saw Bob and me taking it easy and making the necessary preparations for our lengthy endeavour.  We purchased lots of salty snacks, lunch supplies, energy bars and fruit, knowing full well that the demands on our bodies would probably be the most extreme we had ever experienced.  With our alarm set for 4 a.m., and plans to hit the trail by 5 a.m., Bob and I intended to retire early, but in the end, we hit the hay about the same time as usual…10:30 p.m.  We were full of anticipation and trepidation.  Were we really up to the task? Read more

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