Exploring Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula

southeast brook falls, newfoundland

Before leaving the area around Rocky Harbour, and heading up the Great Northern Peninsula in Newfoundland, there were a couple of additional trails calling our names.  Near Lomond, Southeast Brook Falls required a short hike through a balsam fir and white birch forest. Read more

Wind-whipped on Green Gardens Trail, Gros Morne National Park

green gardens trail, gros morne national park, newfoundland

Bob and I had been told that the Green Gardens Trail was one of the most popular hikes in Gros Morne National Park largely because it highlights the contrasting landscapes of the Park.  Although we had already hiked the Gros Morne Mountain Trail and explored the Tablelands, we were keen to see the “green gardens” that stretch to the coast of Newfoundland near Bonne Bay. Read more

Beachcombing Natural Treasures Along The Indian Ocean

indian ocean, port elizabeth, south africa

After arriving in Port Elizabeth under the cover of darkness the night before, Bob and I were anxious to do a bit of exploring after breakfast the next morning.  A dull grey sky hung low over the coast as we began beachcombing for natural treasures along the Indian Ocean.

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