Shipwreck Of The S.S. Ethie Of Newfoundland

the wreck of the s.s. ethie, martin's point, newfoundland, canada

Having completed our tour of Western Brook Pond and with part of the afternoon still available for exploration, Bob and I decided to stop at the site of the 1919 shipwreck, the S.S. Ethie, on the west coast of Newfoundland. Read more

Beachcombing Natural Treasures Along The Indian Ocean

indian ocean, port elizabeth, south africa

After arriving in Port Elizabeth under the cover of darkness the night before, Bob and I were anxious to do a bit of exploring after breakfast the next morning.  A dull grey sky hung low over the coast as we began beachcombing for natural treasures along the Indian Ocean.

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“Into Africa” – Someday in the Post-covid World

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to make this video as part of my wife’s, Jean’s, birthday gift.  As you will see, this video highlights our travels to South Africa, and it features Jean.

Hopefully, you all enjoy it, and in a small way, you are able to take a short virtual tour of South Africa with Jean.

For now, because of the pandemic, we remain “Out Of Africa”.  Hopefully someday, Jean and I, and all of you, will be able to head back “Into Africa”.


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From Greater Flamingos To An Italian Comacchio Picnic

jean at agrituismo forzello, po river delta, italy

Bob and I spent the morning strolling the fields and pastures of our hosts at Agriturismo Forzello before setting off on our search for the colony of Greater Flamingos.  There were a couple of potential locations within Parco Veneto del Delta del Po National Park. Read more

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