A White and Grey Rabbit in Toronto’s Milliken Park

A White and Grey Rabbit in Toronto’s Milliken Park

White and grey rabbit - looks at me - Milliken Park - Toronto - Ontario

On a recent walkabout in Milliken Park, in Toronto,  Bob and I were surprised to see, hopping about the lawns and gardens, an unusual looking rabbit.  Unlike our common Cottontail Rabbit, this rabbit was white with a smokey grey snout and a grey wash on its hind quarters.  Could it be that someone’s pet escaped and is now making the park its home?  Or is it possible that someone released their pet for no longer wanting to care for it? Read more

Eastern Garter Snakes in Whitby’s Thickson’s Woods

garter snake sits among pine needles and studies me - thicksons woods - whitby

Bob and I went to Thickson’s Woods Nature Reserve, in Whitby, Ontario, one spring, to check on the growth of the Great Horned Owl chicks, but we were treated to wildlife observations of quite a different kind.  As Ontario’s spring weather finally started to include warmer days, it was no surprise to discover a number of Eastern Garter Snakes taking advantage of the warmth where direct sunlight penetrated to the forest floor. Read more

Mountsberg Raptor Centre a world of hawks, owls, and eagles

photograph of Jean holding an Eastern Screech owl at the Mountsberg Raptor Centre, in Campbellville, Ontario, Canada.

Bald Eagle landing at the Mountsberg Raptor Centre

Bob and I do not profess to be expert bird watchers, but when we sighted our first ever owl, a Northern Saw-Whet Owl, a fire was lit within us.  To learn more about raptors in general, we decided to take a drive out to Campbellville, to the Mountsberg Raptor Centre, in Ontario. Read more

Hiking the Beaver Pond Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park

Beaver Pond from the trail lookout on the Beaver Pond Trail in Algonquin Provincial Park

Red Squirrel sits in snowy tree in Algonquin Park

I was so happy to have three days wide open for hiking and skiing in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario.  It meant more opportunities to explore the trails and look for wildlife and birds.  This cute little Red Squirrel captured our interest along the Beaver Pond Trail. Read more

A Sopping Wet Sharp-shinned Hawk In Toronto


A Sopping Wet Sharp-shinned Hawk In Toronto

Sharp Shinned Hawk stares straight ahead

One spring, in our local Toronto park, in Ontario, a Sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus) was taking issue with the weather even as a gentle mist continued to settle on the land.  The hawk had taken refuge in the top of a local century old maple tree. Read more

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