Eddie A Mandarin Duck on the Lam

Eddie, A Mandarin Duck on the Lam, Ontario, Canada

Mandarin Ducks breed in Eastern Siberia as far south as North Korea, and they winter by choice in southern China and Japan.  So, when a Mandarin Duck like Eddie shows up in a small town in Ontario, Canada, it creates a lot of excitement. Read more

From Greater Flamingos To An Italian Comacchio Picnic

jean at agrituismo forzello, po river delta, italy

Bob and I spent the morning strolling the fields and pastures of our hosts at Agriturismo Forzello before setting off on our search for the colony of Greater Flamingos.  There were a couple of potential locations within Parco Veneto del Delta del Po National Park. Read more

Eastern Milksnake In Rouge National Urban Park

an Eastern Milksnake in Rouge National Urban Park, Markham, Ontario

Pandemic birding and nature hikes have kept us close to home since March of 2020, and one of our favorite places to get outdoors is in    Rouge National Urban Park.     On an early June day, we were very fortunate to see an Eastern Milksnake in Bob Hunter Memorial Conservation Area. Read more

Cecropia Moth Caterpillar in Rouge National Urban Park

cecropia moth caterpillar, rouge national urban park, markham, ontario

On a late July afternoon, on his way to a local farmer’s market, Bob made a brief stop at North Reesor Pond in    Rouge National Urban Park  .     His intention was to look for shorebirds, but with none presenting, he began to scour the reeds and bushes for insects.  That is when he happened upon this most unusual caterpillar, a Cecropia Moth Larva. Read more

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