Canoeing Outlet River in Sandbanks Provincial Park

Image of sand dunes at sandbanks provincial park in ontario, canada.

Bob and I had never visited or gone canoeing in Sandbanks Provincial Park in Ontario before 2022.  As the coronavirus pandemic persisted, we decided to do a staycation by exploring this rare gem in Prince Edward County not too far from our home. Read more

Our Travels To Otorohanga Kiwi House In New Zealand

entrance to otorohanga kiwi house & native bird park, otorohanga, new zealand

On one overcast and damp day in New Zealand, Bob and I decided to drive from Rotorua into the countryside for a tour of the Waitomo Glowworm Caves.  It seemed a good way to make use of a dreary day.  Before our tour, we passed a couple of hours at the Otorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park. Read more

Canoeing The Madawaska River In Algonquin Provincial Park

Image Bob launching our canoe at East Beach on Lake of Two Rivers. Algonquin Park, Ontario.

Bob and I decided to go canoeing on the Madawaska River in Algonquin Park after having been told by other canoeists that it was a beautiful route for a fall canoe.  We began our outing by launching our canoe at East Beach on Lake of Two Rivers in Algonquin Park, in Ontario, Canada.  Read more

Bull Moose In Algonquin Provincial Park

Of course, when Bob and I visit Algonquin Provincial Park, we are always hoping to see a Moose. Not just any Moose but a bull Moose with a big rack is the desired creature! Well, we did get our wish albeit distant views of said beast on a recent damp, dreary and dark morning. We counted ourselves very lucky because one cannot be guaranteed of seeing a Moose despite the many sightings reported by other people. Read more

Northern Whiptail Lizard At The Grand Canyon

northern whiptail lizard - grand canyon 6

After we left the oasis of Indian Garden, Bob and I wasted no time making headway towards Plateau Point at Grand Canyon National Park.  The heat was building, the wind was constant, and the sun was torturous.  Still, we forced ourselves to remain vigilant since other hikers had spotted rattlesnakes on the trail.  It was when we drew near the water refilling station about 3/4 of the way between the two points that we saw a Northern Whiptail Lizard taking advantage of the puddles of spilled water in the shade of the water reservoir. Read more

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