Northern Saw-Whet Owl We Sighted In Toronto

Northern Saw-Whet Owl sitting in tree in Toronto park, Ontario, Canada

Bob and I went for a walk one afternoon in Milliken Park, here in Toronto, Ontario,  and by chance, we spotted a Northern Saw-Whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) at rest in the thick brush.  I had never seen an owl in the wild before, and certainly not one in such close proximity.  We have frequented this park for years, and this was the first time we were lucky enough to catch sight of an owl. Read more

Amsterdam a world of bikes, tulips, and windmills

bike parking lot in amsterdam, the netherlands

Central Station, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

After landing at Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands, Bob and I boarded a train for a 25-minute ride into Amsterdam.  At the downtown railway station, we inquired about catching a cab to our hotel but were told that it was located nearby.  And so, with bags in hand, we set off through the streets on our short walk!  We needed to stretch our legs in any case. Read more

Fall Colors at Algonquin Park and Oxtongue Lake 2012

fall colors, dorset tower view, ontario, pic 1

We took a drive up from Toronto, Ontario on October 1, 2012, to checkout the fall colors in the Algonquin Park and Oxtongue Lake areas.  From atop the Dorset tower, the view of the color sure proved the drive worthwhile.  According to the local people with whom we spoke,  this was the best fall color seen in this area in 10 years. Read more

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