Canoeing Black River in Prince Edward County

image of black river, prince edward county, ontario

After our energetic bike ride the day before, Bob and I looked for a place to launch our canoe the following morning.  When driving through the community of Black River, glimpses of the wide, calm waterway captured our interest. Read more

Cycling and Birding the Millennium Trail, Prince Edward County

image of bob and jean in hillier, millennium trail, prince edward county, ontario

After extensive hiking through the Dunes at Sandbanks Provincial Park a day earlier, Bob and I chose to give our feet a rest and go cycling.  A planned excursion on the Millennium Trail got off to a slow start because we had difficulty locating our preferred trailhead. Read more

Bull Moose In Algonquin Provincial Park

Of course, when Bob and I visit Algonquin Provincial Park, we are always hoping to see a Moose. Not just any Moose but a bull Moose with a big rack is the desired creature! Well, we did get our wish albeit distant views of said beast on a recent damp, dreary and dark morning. We counted ourselves very lucky because one cannot be guaranteed of seeing a Moose despite the many sightings reported by other people. Read more

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