Eddie A Mandarin Duck on the Lam

Eddie, A Mandarin Duck on the Lam, Ontario, Canada

Mandarin Ducks breed in Eastern Siberia as far south as North Korea, and they winter by choice in southern China and Japan.  So, when a Mandarin Duck like Eddie shows up in a small town in Ontario, Canada, it creates a lot of excitement. Read more

Cecropia Moth Caterpillar in Rouge National Urban Park

cecropia moth caterpillar, rouge national urban park, markham, ontario

On a late July afternoon, on his way to a local farmer’s market, Bob made a brief stop at North Reesor Pond in    Rouge National Urban Park  .     His intention was to look for shorebirds, but with none presenting, he began to scour the reeds and bushes for insects.  That is when he happened upon this most unusual caterpillar, a Cecropia Moth Larva. Read more

Cecropia Moths mating in Rouge National Urban Park

Cecropia Moths mating in Rouge National Urban Park, Markham

With the covid-19 virus still spreading and pandemic restrictions curtailing our activities, Bob and I found ourselves taking frequent walks in nature but staying close to home.  On one such outing, we came upon a pair of Cecropia Moths mating in    Rouge National Urban Park. Read more

Eastern Screech Owlet In Rouge National Urban Park

eastern screech owlet, rouge national urban park, toronto

Pandemic Birding had been a whole new experience for Bob and me.  Since the pandemic was officially declared in March 2020, we had made outdoor activities a priority but always kept within a 30-minute radius from our home.  On one such occasion in late May 2020, we happened upon this newly fledged Eastern Screech Owlet. Read more

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