An Opossum Enjoys A Sunny Winter Day

possum sitting under a tree - toronto park

Finally getting a break in the frigid winter weather, Bob and I seized the opportunity for a walk in the brilliant March sunshine at Milliken Park, in Toronto, Ontario.  It seems we were not the only ones taking advantage of the warmer temperatures.  An Opossum was out strolling  atop the deep snow, on the search for something to eat. Read more

Brown Thrasher At Lynde Shores Conservation Area

Brown Thrasher At Lynde Shores Conservation Area

brown thrasher, lynde shores conservation area, whitby, ontario

An early spring rendezvous in Whitby allowed Bob and me to fit in a stop at Lynde Shores Conservation Area while in the area.  The Cranberry West Tract turned up no birds of note, but we did spy a family of deer, a young buck, doe and two fawns, that kept their distance in the thick brush.  We then popped over to Lynde Shores for a quick tour around the bird feeding trail.  Near one of the feeders, a beautiful Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) was tucked low in the crown of a fallen tree. Read more

Taking A 1941 Chevy Business Coupe For A Spin

jean beside 1941 Chevrolet special deluxe Business Coupe - 1

After spending a couple of days visiting with Bob’s sister, Claire, and her husband, Martin, in Bowser, British Columbia, Martin suggested it was time to roll out his 1941 Chevy Business Coupe and take it for a spin.  I was thrilled as I have always had a love of vintage automobiles right from the time I was a little girl. Read more

Beaver Sighting At Arrowhead Provincial Park

beaver looks towards camera in frozen lake - arrowhead provincial park - ontario

On a winter trip to the Huntsville area, Bob and I decided to check out the ski trails at Arrowhead Provincial Park.  Despite having grown up in the vicinity, I had never visited that Park before, always opting instead to go to Algonquin Provincial Park since it was closer to home.  What a delight to find a beaver just off to the side of the groomed ski trail. Read more

American Wigeon Ducks Along The Shore At Comox

american wigeon ducks - comox - bc

The objective of our drive to Comox from Bowser, British Columbia, was to find and photograph Bald Eagles.  As we observed a pair of those magnificent birds of prey just offshore, we became aware of a considerable flock of American Wigeon Ducks scooting along the shore of the Salish Sea right in front of Bob and me. Read more

Bald Eagles Along The Shore Near Comox

bald eagles on navigational beacon - comox - british columbia 4

When visiting relatives in Bowser, British Columbia, in early January, we were fortunate to have clear sunny weather for a couple of days in a row.  It was one misty morning, however, when we took a drive to nearby Comox in the hopes of seeing some Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).  We were not disappointed. Read more

Olympic Snowmen In Huntsville – Home of Dara Howell

Olympic Snowmen In Huntsville – Home of Dara Howell

olympic snowmen - huntsville ontario 2

Baring their souls on a cold winter’s day with nary a thought for their own preservation was this avid team of supporters for our Olympic athletes!  On our recent visit to Huntsville, Ontario, Bob and I came across this assembly of jovial snowmen all revved up in support of the Canadian Olympic Team.  Their animated faces brought a smile to my own lips. Read more

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