Boreal Chickadees In Algonquin Provincial Park

A Boreal chickadee checks out the suet feeder in Algonquin Park

One winter day, Bob and I drove into   Algonquin Provincial Park,   in Ontario, with plans to walk the Spruce Bog Boardwalk Trail.  It is there that we sighted numerous Boreal Chickadees. Read more

Cross-Country skiing in Algonquin Provincial Park

Fen Lake X-ski Trail - Algonquin Park - Ontario

The Fen Lake cross-country skiing trail in Algonquin Provincial Park, in Ontario, sets off through the hardwood bush and is comprised of 3 different loops so skiers have a choice of the distance they wish to ski.  With the trail having been groomed and track-set the day we were there, we anticipated a fantastic outing! Read more

Fall Colors at Algonquin Park and Oxtongue Lake 2012

fall colors, dorset tower view, ontario, pic 1

We took a drive up from Toronto, Ontario on October 1, 2012, to checkout the fall colors in the Algonquin Park and Oxtongue Lake areas.  From atop the Dorset tower, the view of the color sure proved the drive worthwhile.  According to the local people with whom we spoke,  this was the best fall color seen in this area in 10 years. Read more

Our Climb Up Huayna Picchu At Machu Picchu

An image of Bob and Jean standing above Machu Picchu in Urubamba Province, Peru.

 View of Huayna Picchu mountain at Machu Picchu, in Urubamba Province, Peru.

Over a quick breakfast in Agua Calientes, Bob and I debated whether or not to actually tackle climbing up Huayna Picchu Mountain, which sits overlooking Machu Picchu.  The hiking trail up this mountain follows another ancient Inca path with an ascent up steep stony pathways, through tunnels, and along sheer cliff edges that offer no protection for hikers.  We both decided that it would be an exhilarating and challenging trek, but I was unsure if I would have the courage.  I have to tell you that I am very afraid of heights. Read more

Wild Vicuna At The National Reserve Of Pampas Galeras, Peru

icuna in a meadow at the National Reserve of Pampas Galeras in Peru, South America.

Vicuna in the National Reserve of Pampas Galeras in Peru, South America.

In the harsh climate high in the mountain meadows of the National Reserve of Pampas Galeras in Peru live the rarely-seen Vicuna.  In 1974, the Vicuna were declared an endangered species; at that time, only 6,000 of these animals were left alive in Peru.   Today, with the aid of organizations like World Wildlife Fund, the population of Vicuna has recovered to about 350,000.  Even with that supposed high number of these animals, it is still very difficult to actually catch a glimpse of one in the wilds of Peru. Read more

The Mummies of Chauchilla Cemetery near Nazca, Peru

Human Mummified body and skulls and bones at the Chauchilla Cemetery in Peru, South America

Chauchilla Cemetery south of the city of Nazca in Peru, South America.

The Mummies of Chauchilla Cemetery in Peru, are the mummified bodies of ancient pre-hispanic Nazca people.   As we soon learned on our tour, their bodies have been preserved because of the dry climate of the Nazca valley.  Archaeologists have dated these grave sites to somewhere around 1000 AD, and it is believed the burials occurred here over the course of 600 years. Read more

Our Drive Through Paracas National Reserve In Peru

Jean beside rental car at Paracas National Reserve on the Paracas Peninsula, Ica, Peru.

Pacific coast at Paracas National Reserve on the Paracas Peninsula, Ica, Peru.

After Bob made some hasty notes from a map on display at the main pavilion where neither staff or a handout was available, we then drove off into the dust of Paracas National Reserve located on the Paracas Peninsula in Peru.  As we soon learned on our excursion, this reserve is a world of sandy wastelands, isolated beaches, and high ocean cliffs.

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