Our walk among the whimsical limestone Elephant Rocks

elephant rocks, duntroon, south island, new zealand

From Oamaru, Bob and I made plans to visit the Elephant Rocks near Duntroon, some interesting limestone formations that were made famous by their appearance in the fantasy film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Read more

The Eglinton River Valley abloom with Russell Lupins in New Zealand

russell lupins, eglinton river valley, fiordland national park, new zealand

While staying for a few days in Te Anau on the South Island, Bob and I made frequent trips into Fiordland National Park.  Panoramic views of the landscape were spectacular and in places made even more beautiful by broad swaths of Russell Lupins that grow in abundance there. Read more

New Zealand Bellbird Enjoys the Nectar

a new zealand bellbird, lake matheson, south island, new zealand

It was a rainy afternoon when Bob and I finally made it to Lake Matheson to explore the walking tracks there.  The famous reflection of Mount Cook and Mount Tasman did not materialize on the lake’s surface, but we sure had dandy views of a New Zealand Bellbird alongside the trail. Read more

Hiking in the barren desert of Newfoundland’s Tablelands

winter house brook canyon, the tablelands, newfoundland, canada

Located in Gros Morne National Park, The Tablelands in Newfoundland are actually a section of the Appalachian Mountains that was once molded by glacial ice into a flat-topped plateau now called the Long Range Mountains.  It is a unique geological landscape often compared to that of the planet Mars. Read more

Virginia Opossum Takes A Walk In The Snow

a young Virginia Opossum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

On a wintry day, Bob and I headed to our local Toronto, Ontario, park for some fresh air and a bit of exercise.  As we walked the asphalt trail through a wooded section of the park, I noticed movement off to the side of the walkway.  A young Virginia Opossum had dared to be out of its den during daylight hours! Read more

White-tailed Deer On Amherst Island

A white-tailed deer foraging on Amherst Island, Ontario, Canada.

Amherst Island is situated in Lake Ontario near Kingston, and for at least a couple of years, Bob and I had intended to visit it.  The intention was to photograph birds of prey that winter there.  Our explorations were enriched by of a healthy population of White-tailed Deer that casually foraged in different areas. Read more

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