Our Visit To Lima, Peru, The City Of Kings

Church of Saint Francis - Lima

Lima, peru, main square

After spending close to a month touring Peru, Bob and I returned to the capital city of Lima and spent our last day touring the city’s old quarter before flying back to Canada. Read more

Message In A Bottle Found On Rouge River – Who Wrote It?


Message In A Bottle Found On Rouge River – Who Wrote It?

Message in a bottle on shore of Rouge River - Markham - Ontario

Late one fall, Bob and I were out looking for a reported Great Horned Owl in the forest along the east shore of the Rouge River in Markham, Ontario, when we came upon a bottle lying along the shore’s edge.  This bottle caught our eye because we could clearly see that it had a message inside.  Whoever set this bottle afloat made sure it was watertight and waterproof.  Although not swept out to sea, this letter was set adrift by the messenger with hopes that it would be found someday on Markham’s Rouge River.  And indeed, it has been found!! Read more

Our tour of Cusco the former capital of the Inca Empire

steep steps in Cusco

cusco, peru

After finishing our adventure into the Amazon, Bob and I  flew back to Cusco, the former Inca capital in Peru.  After getting checked into our hotel, we walked over to the Plaza de Armas, which is featured in the centre of this photo.  This square, seen here surrounded by various different church steeples, was once the hub of the Inca Empire.  It was here in this mountain valley, in the exact middle of Plaza de Armas, that the Inca people believed that the centre of the universe and all power on earth was focused.  Given the success of their Empire before the Spanish arrived, it’s not hard to understand why they believed that. Read more

A Coopers Hawk sighting in Goldhawk Park in Toronto


A Coopers Hawk sighting in Goldhawk Park in Toronto

We sighted this Coopers Hawk sitting in a tree in Goldhawk Park in Toronto, Ontario.  I think you would agree, it is only fitting that the bird landed in “Goldhawk” Park given its color and that it’s a hawk. Read more

Red and Grey Squirrels in Canada and Ireland

red squirrel with weird ears

Many different types of animals live in the forests of Ontario, but size aside, you most certainly will come upon the smallest four-legged animals that call the forests of Ontario home.  Those would be squirrels.  This chipmunk is a member of the squirrel family, and this little guy lives in the trees around my parents’ home at Oxtongue Lake, in Ontario.  Read more

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